
What age do you get old at?

by  |  earlier

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you can spot the difference between the young and old... you can usually tell if some one is "old... but what age do you turn "old" O_O is it 65 or something?




  1. age is a state of mind, not a number....i've seen 40 year olds who were absolutely worthless and 75 year olds who were living the h**l out of their lives and having fun. it's all in your head.....and you're no older than you think you are and present yourself as being

  2. i once set a time lapse shoot and determined the age to be 3541 years 1245 days 465 minutes 3,200,879 seconds.  

  3. Whenever you feel old, you are old! Being old is a state of mind, not your body's actual age...

  4. i don't know really

  5. You are only as old as you feel. My Dad is 79 and acts like he is 20. He had open heart bypass surgery at 69 and the Doctors could not believe how quickly he healed. He had 5 bypasses and 12 hours after surgery was up sitting in a chair. They said they never saw anyone his age recover so quickly. My Mom has COPD, is on oxygen, and can barely get around. So your age is only a number.

  6. Your only as old as you act. I have friends in their 20's that don't do anything but sit around anct like an ol person. Then theirs people like my Grandma who is 80 and never home & has more a social life tham me! lol

  7. Well I passed 60 and I don't feel "old" yet.  Young is much easier to identify.  Young is any age with a single digit.

  8. ROFL!!!

    Some people are "old" at 30.

    Some like me won't be "old" until after 96th birthday.

  9. ur body may get old but dont allow ur mind to turn old.keep learning all the time,u might not have been able to do certain things in ur age ,try to achieve/get them within limits of ur body limits

    i dont know ur age but if y r in late 50's and if u experience sexual dusfunctions like premature ejaculations, it is time to know for urself that body is getting old.high bp,diabetis are not indicators of old age

    enjoy life,that will prevent u from getting old.

    last thing body will fail /perish at some time, do not be afraid of death, its a natural phenomena

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