
What age do you have to do have to be if you want to chage your name?

by  |  earlier

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i want to chage my name to madsion or lindsey i'm 16 yrsold




  1. gah, like everyone is named Madison or least here.. XD

    18 is the age I think.

  2. You have to be 18. Unless your parents do it for you.

    You might want to pick a name, and start being called it now, to make sure you can handle it for the rest of your life. Also start saving money now, because it's not the cheapest thing in the world to do.

  3. 18 i think

  4. i got my name changed at 6 becuz my mom decided she didnt like it. So with parent consent any age. What is your name now?

    That is a cuuuuuuuuuute name!!! Go by Kimmi or Berly

    ohhh... I like Berly

  5. 18 yrs old

  6. 18[:

  7. 18

    unless your parents agree

    it would be pretty cool if they did lol

  8. u could call urself Kim until ur 18

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