
What age do you....?

by  |  earlier

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consider appropriate for a woman to have a child? This is assuming the woman is stable: married/in a committed relationship/independant, has a career, place to live, financialy set, desire, etc. This is for survey purposes only so please list a physical age, not it depends. You can generalize here without judgement. Thank you. :)




  1. I would have to say 26 and up. I dont plan on having children until after that. I just think women are having children at such a young age...

  2. 26-30 depending on  mental maturity and finacial security. i think if you have a child whild your still a child the formative years can be imbalanced and the grandparents end up doing the work(if the child is lucky)

  3. 30 works for me

  4. I do not reccomend that anyone get married or have children before they are 30.  Women tend to really grow up and become more in tune with the needs of others at that age.

  5. 25 or older

  6. I would say 28-30 is a good age based on your description of the woman.

  7. 26ish
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