
What age do you start your kid in PreSchool?

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I live in South Bend, Indiana. My son won't be going this year cause he turns 3 after the deadline. But next year when he starts he will be almost 4. And I'm not wanting to send him to a DayCare as I am a stay at home Mom.




  1. My daughter is two and attends a toddler preschool.  Very worth it.  

  2. Preschool start at 4 for public schools, private schools start at 3, everything else is daycare

  3. When they start getting bored to death at home

  4. My daughter is 3 1/2  and is starting a 3 year old preschool.  They also have 4 year old preschool.  She will only be going 2 mornings a week.

  5. Where I am kids can start preschool when they are three and potty trained. I live in Michigan.

  6. Pre-school starts the year the child goes 3 and nursery starts the year the child goes 4 normal schooling starrts the year the child goes 5.

    Not forgetting the school year runs from the 1st September 08 to the 31st of August 09..


  8. Where I live, kids don't start kindergarten until age 6, so it depends on your own preference when you want them to start preschool. There are some parents that start them at age 3, while others not until age 4. Actually, some don't even send them to preschool. It is up to the parents.

  9. My son is going to go to preschool this year and he is 3.    

  10. I taught my children from the day they were born, parents are the first teachers for their children.  I only sent my children for some preschool at age 3 and 4 so they would learn socialization.  There is so many books that are out there for stay-at-home Mom's just buy one and play school with him until you feel you want a break for a couple of hours a day.  

  11. Preschool starts at the age of 3 years. Pre-k starts at the age of 4 years. Then off to Kindergarden. My daughter just turned 3 and she starts school in September.  

  12. It depends on where you live.  When I was a kid, you went to preschool when you were 4.  Where I live now, preschool is for 3-year olds.

  13. My boy started at age 2 for an hour and a half two times per week. At 3 he went three days a week for three hours and then went to full day pre-K at 4 years. It all worked out great for him.

  14. well there is a difference between pre school and daycare. daycare can be started at any age and get benefit the child in future years. preschool is normally started around the age of 3 or 4. Most parents that i know, start pre school, the year prior or two years prior to kindergarden

  15. Preschool as in a childcare facility as soon as 6 weeks. Normally the schooling at a child care facility takes place around 2 where there is more structure of a learning program. If you are talking about a regular school (elementary) 4 is average for pre-kindergarden and 5 for kindergarden.  

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