
What age do you think is appropriate for girls to start wearing makeup?

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I think 13.

I started wearing makeup at 13,but only a little gloss and mascara. When I was 15, eyeliner and shadow too, and now at 16, I wear liner, shadow, mascara, a little powder for the greasies, and lip balm. That's about it.

I just think it's ridiculous when I see 11 and 12 year olds wearing makeup....the future is screwed.




  1. I also started at 13. I first started wearing it to school at 13. I was really scared at first, but it just sucks because you get used to it and don't want to go anywhere without it.

    I agree, 11 year olds with makeup?

    Not cool.

  2. 11 & 12 year olds are like.. eurgh :| enjoy your childhood people!!

    at 13, 14 i think its fine to wear anything .

    Well not trashy full on eyeliner like mac models

  3. 13  

  4. 14  

  5. Well, I think probably most girls start to care a little more about their looks when entering middle school. So, I would say 12 or 13 years old.

  6. 12, nearly 13 I think

  7. Thirteen. I started wearing a little lip gloss then but nothing else. I'm sixteen now and all I wear is Mascara, a nuetral shadow if I feel like it, and lipstain/gloss.  

  8. 14

  9. 13

  10. I would say around 13 because you should just act your age. when your younger there is no one to have to look really pretty for and there skin is normaly really nice any way so I would have to agree.

  11. My 9 year odl cousin had on purple eye shadow yesterday, but it really did make her look grown up, even thought you'd think it would just look childish. I started in 5th grade, so I was 11. (And that was eye liner and eye shadow).

  12. I would say 14

  13. I started wearing make up in grade 6 so i was 11 but really i wasn't wearing much at all i was wearing lipgloss and maybe some play make up eye shadow i only really started wearing make up when i was 13 thats when i started wearing eyeliner and in my opinion if you're under 13 don't wear any heavy makeup just put little things such as lip gloss so you don't look like a baby prostitute  

  14. 13 is good

  15. Well I personally didn't start using full makeup until like I was 15 or 16. However, I did use lip gloss by 11/12..I did use nail polish and perfume alot earlier though. I think 13 is a good age to START using things like mascara and such. However, using eyeshadow and lipsticks I think should be left for high school (15+).  

  16. depends on how comfotable they are.

    i started at 13.

  17. im 12 and i just wear mascara and lipgloss i think its fine

  18. i agree

  19. 7th or 8th grade. 13 is good.

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