
What age do you think is to old to have a baby?

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What age do you think is to old to have a baby?




  1. 21 guranteed to still whoop your kids even if they are 18.. youll still be healthy enough to kick *** :)

  2. anything over

    35 is high risk you can still do but you have a chance of birth defects after that point  

  3. Personally? I wouldnt want to become pregnant over the age of 30. I am having my first at age 22 and because of health problems, it's hard on me now. I can't imagine being older and being pregnant. But that's for me personally.

    In general? I think you're too old when you already have grown kids or when you won't be capable of raising the child or when the chance of you living to see them turn 20 is really low due to your age or when the pregnancy would be high risk due to your age.

  4. Heck if you're suicidal only God knows maybe 60 only fooling.

    But if in good health probably early 40's is o.k. with A good DR.  check up first.

    Good Luck.

  5. for men age is no bar . for women 16+ to 35 is safe after 35 to 42 was riski may be misscerrage . but prob till 48 there are chance for baby. and worldrecoard is age of 67 a indian ledy befor few month.  

  6. According to my wife, she will never be to old to have a baby...she married one!

    Chronically, I would say 40 is starting to push the limits to safely conceive and give birth.

  7. I think 30-32 the oldest. I think I would want to still be young when my kids grow up. I don't want to be all old and in a nursing home when my kids decide to have their children!

  8. have you ever read the bible? back in those days women had kids when they were like in the 200+ age group. How old was Mose's wife when she had her last one. If you can get pregnant go for it no matter what age you are as long as you can care for the baby and yourself

  9. 36+


    Im so sorry i dont mean to seem rude..your question just cracks me up because usually the question asked on here is more like "what age do you think is to young to have a baby"

    haha i love the change... beautiful!

    i dono...ive never been old so i dono what most of them are capible of!

  11. For myself, I dont want to be over the age of 30 and have a baby. When Im 30, the one Im pregnant with now will be turning 6, and my oldest will be 12. So thats MY personal choice.

    As for Mischele's comment....HOW RUDE! Who are you to "assume" that people who are younger and having children dont have a career on track. I was 18 with my first, and put myself through nursing now Im a nurse and pregnant with my 3rd.  And Im not older.

  12. Wow, 30+   OMG I'm 30, I guess I'm oldy and moldy.  You 20-somethings will be here too one day.  I guess that's what I get for doing college and getting my career on track before just going and having a bunch of random kids.

    Risks go up at 35 but I seldom ever see them until around 38-40.  Carefully supervised, I'd say 42 should be the limit.  Then you're 60 when those kids graduate high school.  However one would be an old-ish grandparent when those kids had kids.

  13. personally i will not be having any children after the age of 30. The risks with down syndrome and other childhood problems escalate so much. However if you choose to have children after then it is your own choice, also know that the chances of multiple births rise considerably also. I do think that mid to late 40s is to old though as once your kid is 10 your 55/60 and are going to find that difficult to keep up with them. That's the average age of grandmothers these days.

  14. 35 and over i have had my kids rather young i am 23  and have a daughter , a son and am pregnant with twins !!!!!!!!!!

  15. For women, 50.  For men, 80.

  16. 50 or older...

  17. I think it's a matter of personal choices. I prefer for my kids to be all grown when I hit the 50-60 age so I can retire and maybe travel around the world. I also saw my mom hit the menopose and if I'm anything like her, I wouldn't have the patience, at this age and time, to care for a little one!

    But as long as you think of all those conscequences, it's all up to you...

    My mom had us pretty young (she had my brother at 19, my other bro at 20 and had me at 25 yrs old) and I've always liked that she was young enough to bond with us.

    I'm pregnant with my first and I'm 26, and I know I don't want any kids after 35.  

  18. Anything over 45.

  19. 40+

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