when my son was 1 1/2 months old my husbands mom asked is she could keep the baby for 4 days. I said no. then when he was 2 months she asked again (her excuse was because her friends said they liked the baby, and she said next time they will be able to see the baby becasue he'll be visiting longer). I also don't like her driving him around either. I said no, because i was breast feeding, and then she accused me of not breast feeding at all! My husband had to explain to her that I do formula and breast. Now the baby is 4 months, and she told me and my husband seperately how she was thinking that when the baby is older she hopes we will let her take him for a while. I feel like she is getting really pushy, and it's strarting to annoy me. I'm getting to the point where i don't even want to let the baby ever stay with her. i think when he is 3 or 4 and he can speak his needs then it will finally be ok. my husband thinks i am being mean by not trusting to leave our baby with her