
What age do you think it would be right to get the baby off the bottle and pacifier??

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What age do you think it would be right to get the baby off the bottle and pacifier??




  1. Pacifier / dummy is recommended to be phased out around twelve months, not sure about bottle but probably a similar time. Around one the baby should be able to drink from a cup so it would be possible to phase out the bottle. Be led by your baby though and dont push them, they will do things when they are ready!

  2. My son stopped drinking from a bottle around his first birthday.

    The pacifer was a little harder. He still has it sometimes when he sleeps. But by the time he's two I hope we're threw with it for good.

  3. I think you just aim to take the bottle away by 15 months at the latest.

    I think a good time to take the pacifier away is 2 years old. ~

  4. paci 4 months

    bottle 12 months

    That was the goal based on a book I read but I met resistance with my dh not wanting to hear a lot of crying so it was more like 6 months for paci and 14/15 months for the bottle.

    The sippy cup was much worse to get ride of because she was a lot older.

  5. My daughter had her pacifier taken from her at 6 months but was no big deal as I never let her get that attached to it anyway.  I took her off her bottle on her 1st birthday.  I had been offering a sippy cup for about two months before so she'd be used to it.  She took to the cup real well and never asked for a bottle again.  

    I will do the same thing with my son, who also doesn't seem to be too attached to the pacifier.

  6. my son was rid of his bottle by 13mths, going to get the pacifier away by 1 1/2yrs.

  7. I did bottle at 1 and pacie at 2

  8. by the age of 1

  9. Bottle was gone at age 1.

    Binkie is only used at nap and bed time now (she's 19 months old).  I hope to get rid of it completely by age 2.

    Wish me luck!

  10. my son was off bottle at 11 months and off pacifier at 3 months. cause after 3 months they no longer need a pacifier.

  11. I took my boy off the bottle just after he turned 1. They say the bottle is bad for the baby's teeth. It wasn't really hard for me to help my little man kick the bottle because the sippy cup was in it's place.

    I took the pacifier away about 15 months. (before he could say the word pacifier!) Once he started getting interested in talking more, I really didn't want the pacifier to get in the way and I surely didn't want him to start screaming for it the day I did decide to take it away.

    When he turned 1 I only let him have it in the bed and I would take one if he was going to take a nap while we were out and about. So it was only when he was sleepy that he wanted one and it only took a little crying before he went to sleep for about 3-4 days and he was over it.

    Good luck ya!!

  12. Bottle at 1 year old.  Start using the sippy cups and start getting him used to the sippy cup months before.  

    Paci is different for everyone.  My oldest was using one only at nighttime only (she was 4 when we gave it up for good; I know a little old right?)  My youngest is 2 1/2 and we are now limiting it to naps and nighttime only just recently.  She's getting used to it.  However, we went to the waterpark over the weekend and she was just screaming bloody murder and crying, and nothing we did stopped her.  Luckily, I had a paci for emergencies and once she got it, she was fine the entire time.  It was either enjoy myself with my husband and other daughter, or be completely annoyed with her the entire time and miserable.

  13. bottle by 1, pacifier by 18 months.

  14. id take them off no later then 2yearsold. althought at 1 i wuld use the sippie cup during the day and bottle only at night and slowly take them away like bottle one night but not the next then only narrow it down to once a week then poof no more bottle and with pacifire only bed time and to only bed time  sometimes and poof its gone they wont even notice

  15. We've had real issues with this.  My son FINALLY got off the bottle last week. He is 18 months.  I was very worried that he would be the only kid in kindergarten still using a bottle!  But, I offered him a sippy cup every day since he was 12 months, and he would refuse it.  Me, being his mom, let him use the bottle because I worried he would get dehydrated.

    Then last week, I offered him his sippy cup and he drank from it!  And, he's been using it ever since.  

    Now, his binky.... he still uses it at night.  If he's feeling poorly or his teeth hurt, he'll want it all day, but I am trying to wean him off of it, but I'm not forcing the issue right now.  I am just so THRILLED that he's off the bottle!

  16. I am taking the pacifier away no later than 9 months old and the bottle will be gone at 1 year old. I want to seperate taking them away so that my daughter does not feel like everything is being taken away from her.

  17. By 1 year old.  My daughter quit using a pacifier by 2 months old and she gave up the bottle at 9 months old.  She did these all on her own.

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