
What age do you think people should stop wearing jerseys?

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I'm 16 and I told my parents for my 17th birthday I wanted a Rangers jersey that said "MY LAST NAME" (like I'm telling u what it is) numbered 17...and they told me "I'm too old to wear jerseys!"

I'm not wearing it to school! I'm wearing it to the Garden or when the Rangers get a big win!

How old do u think it should be when people stop wearing jersey's for good?




  1. I'd say 40 though Chris Chelios chooses to differ, hahaha, sorry, couldn't help it.

  2. Considering I see little old ladies and men wearing jerseys at hockey games every game I go to. I don't think you are ever too old for a jersey.

  3. everyone wears jerseys, i mean you don`t see anyone without them, no one stops wearing jerseys for good but if they still won`t give it to you tell them that when you get old you will love your parents for buying it for you and that the jersey will have memories in it I know it sounds weired but it works on my parents. and like the other guy you can bury me in mine 2

    ps my last name is a good idea

  4. 160. You can never be too old to enjoy your life and live the way only you want.

  5. I think they should stop wearing jerseys at 85

  6. well thats kinda bumb i am 16 and i have a jersey with my name on it i see what your comming from and you will never be too old for a jersey cuz my grandfather has one he is 60!!!!

  7. I think the right age to stop wearing a jersey is 15.  And just remember, no MAN ever wears a jersey with another guy's name on it, so at least you have that part right.

  8. for good?  never!!! I mean what else are we suppose to wear to the games to support out fav team!!  I mean i never wear mine unless i am going to the game or going to watch the game.   I do think it kinda looks goofy when people wear them out places... like out to dinner or just to the grocery store on a saturday.

  9. I wish to be Burried in my Devils Jersey.

    Maybe your parents are Devils fans and just don't want to support your Broadway Bullies.

    Not getting a player Jersey for the Rags is a good choice since there players don't last there.

  10. youre NEVER too old!

    ...sounds like they dont want to shell out the $$$ for a jersey! haha.

    If they do buy it for you, just make sure you actually wear it like you say you will....if it sits in the closet all the time, they will probably get mad and never buy you another one again!

  11. I don't think you are too old to wear a jersey. I'm almost 16 and I still wear one, but only to blackhawks games. I think that you can still wear one. IMO the only people who can't wear them are men 40 and up. well they can, as long as they don't have a players name on their jersey. i just find that a little weird to be wearing another mans name across your back.

    happy almost birthday and i hope you get the jersey!!!

  12. I still wear my Leafs sweater to games, and will do so until I'm dead and gone.

    You don't (and shouldn't) need a closet full of jerseys, but one or two isn't a problem.

    My Leafs sweater is the only one I own (other than for the team of misfits, hoodlums, derelicts, drunks, and evil b******s I play for).

  13. You are never too old to wear a jersey.  I think you might be too old to have your own last name on it though.

  14. there is none, i been to MSG 4 times and i seem people like 40-50 still wearing hockey jerseys. I think you should be able to buy and wear a jersey because its no age limit and show you are a fan. (BTW from time to time i wear my Rangers jersey to school and i am a college student)

  15. h**l, I wear mine to school all the time.

    And, BOOM, that's pretty g*y.

  16. Theres no age limit, and no limit to where you can wear your jersey. I wore mine many times to school, and every time I go to the Rangers game at the Garden.

  17. Bury me in mine!

  18. I see 70 year old grandmas wearing jerseys.  You wear them forever.  Doesn't matter how old you are.

  19. youre never too old to sport a hockey jersey. i would get a players name though instead of a custom. thats just my opinion though.


  21. Around the same time my heart does!

    If it's not harmful to others, you should do what you want!

  22. i still wear them.

    i love getting the customized ones.

    one customized one i got was a #69 la kings jersey that said CUMONME. lol you should see all the love i get when i go to kings games.(DUCKS RULE,KINGS SUCK)


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