
What age do you thionk is too young to have a baby?

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example, i live with my fiance in a huge 2 bed apt, im 18 hes 22 both have good jobs what age would u recomend for me 22plus? id love kids but not now!

i know 18 yr old in a worse situatuitin who has 3 kids

but her mom raises them

thats definatly too young and 2 many right?




  1. i think 12 is too young...but it happens...all i can tell you is make sure your ready and he supports you! then it doesnt matter what age

  2. wait while you can... i was in your shoes at your age..glad i 32 now  and my son is 5months old.. your life is just beginning..enjoy it.. i decided to wait and sure enough three boyfriends and 13 years later i got married and decided to have my child..

  3. whenever you can stay home and raise your kids yourself and both of you are ready to settle down.

  4. I was 20 when my son was born and my husband was 32...

    He knew he wasn't going to get married until his 30s and he wanted kids right away....and when I got married I knew I wanted a family right worked for us, but it doesn't work for everyone. You'll know when you're ready. Best of luck!

  5. I am a mother of three and I had my first child at 16, second at 18 and just had my third and I am 26. While I moved out at 17 and me and my husband have raised and supported our children from birth. I think that I am a much better parent at 26 then at 16, 18, 20, or even 22! I would say 24 is a really good age. My sister in law just had her baby and she is 19, while she is doing a good job for her age, she still has much less patience and "life experience" then I do. I believe if you put your heart into it, you could do a good job now or at 22. But you can do a much better job if you wait a little bit longer. I'm sure that you will make the right decision for yourself, this is just my opinion. I had my children very young and they are very smart and well behaved with wonderful personalities. It is more than possible but it takes lots of patience and sacrifies. Once you become a parent, you never come first. Your children should always come first over anything else in your life. Good luck to you! :-)

  6. In my opinion if your age still has the word "teen" in it then don't even think about it.

  7. Have a baby after you're Married.

  8. It is not so much about the age as it is the maturity level - and not just of the mom, also of the dad.  But I would strongly suggest not having a child until you are married, and have been for at least 2 years.  You deserve to enjoy your time as "newly weds" without the stress of a child.  You and your fiancé need time to get to know each other as husband and wife before you add the stress of being mom and dad.  

    I am 23 and I have a 7 month old daughter - I love her dearly, but sometimes I look at my friends who are my age and single and I miss the freedom they have.  They get to buy the cute shoes or the pretty dress, they don't have to buy diapers.  They get to go out all Friday night.  I would not trade my daughter for anything, but I occasionally feel like if I had waited I could have lived life more fully before becoming a mom.  

    And I would strongly urge you to make sure that the father to be is really ready to be a dad!  It is hard for me being a mom with a supportive husband who makes a great dad, I cannot imagine how much harder it is for women who's kids do not have an active participating supportive dad.  

  9. I think that everyone should remain a virgin until married. It doesn't always go that way, but when teens step up to the plate and have that baby and figure out something IE mother's help; adoption they show that they can handle a tough situation. That's way too young, I'm surprised she didn't learn after the first kid.

    As for you, once you're married, you may have good jobs, but do you have the education you want/need. Have you gone to Paris like you promised yourself you'd do before you die. Babies are a wonderful blessing, but it never hurts to wait a while and enjoy your life and marriage, before children.  

  10. as long as your not in school anymore and can afford the expenses.

  11. Hey, I am 23 and I have two kids. My SIL got married 3 years ago at 18 and has two kids now. I think if you are still in grade school that is too early to have a baby!

  12. I'd wait. You are 18. The changes a person goes through from 18 to 25 can cause a 180 and it is likely you won't be with the guy. Kids only add stress to that.

  13. I had my first at 36.  Late I know, but I wasn't ready until I hit my 30's.

    I'm overwhelmed with her at this age (though Iover more than life itself)...I can't imagine what it would have been like in my 20s - I hadn't even grown up myself yet.

    Wait until you're REALLY ready...

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