
What age does Anton Chekhov belong? example. Romanticism?

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What age does Anton Chekhov belong? example. Romanticism?




  1. yes.

  2. hmmm interesting question. He was definately writing at the beginning of the 'stream-of-consciousness' movement (he used the technique heavily when it was fairly uncommon) so he gets associated with modernist period in literature but thats more to do with his influence on future writers than his own time as a writer.

    Its hard to confine him to an age- you have to remember that while romanticism began in Western Europe in the 18th century and gained strength in the 19th due to the industrial revolution (basically a rebellion in Art against science) Checkov was Russian, so he wouldn't fit the mould, despite writing roughly within the period, as Russia was late to industrialise- also, his work has none of the characteristic elements (I realise you were only using this as an example but I figured I'd justify why he doesn't fit anyway.)

    He is most commonly refered to as part of the literary movement of Realism- its displayed in all of his plays and themes (which dwell on everyday life in Russia and the fallen, deteriorating class system that resulted from industrialisation.) It was prevalent in the 19th century which was when he wrote and fits his style well. However, it isn;t as easy as boxing him up in one word. If this is for school you could get away with labling him a realist (or if its for common interest), however, for University work I would hold back from general lables and look into it more.  

  3. i'd say realism, but my opinion is from the feeling I got from reading his short stories, I might be wrong.

  4. Stone age


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