
What age does a kid turn an adult.Why?

by Guest67180  |  earlier

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What age does a kid turn an adult.Why?




  1. Legally depending on the laws of youre state or country  it is usually 18 .

    Philisophicaly a child becomes an adult when adults stop treating them as children.

  2. At 13, 'Today you become a man' and can be counted for a minyan, etc. ... though in other ways they might still be treated as "children".

    At 18, many countries now have laws saying you have reached your "majority" of age, you are an adult, fully responsible for your own actions.

    After college/university when you are now earning your own money and paying your own way.

    Those, I guess, are times in which a "kid" becomes an adult.

    But when do they "turn an adult"? I guess when they start acting like one.


  3. you are declared an adult at 18,  why?  because someone decided that you are in the right mind to be in control of your actions at that time

    drinking, s*x, smoking, voting,  none of that is involved in being an adult,  they can have their own age limits

    at 18 you are deemed responsible for yourself and are no longer your parents responsibility,  prior to that your parents have to supply you with the basics needed in life,  after that they have no obligation and can req you to move out or pay to live with them

    you also at that point can be tried for a crime as an adult as you should by this time have a full grasp of right and wrong

  4. i think it is different for everyone. it seems that a lot of people never turn! lol.

  5. I think when they mature to an adult state of mind. But legally 18.

  6. legally in the USA a child becomes an adult at 18.

    some religions and cultures celebrate puberty as the start of adult hood.

  7. throughout history kings and queens have reigned at the age of 14 so we can see the potential for makin10g choices at 14 but in the usa its 18 so thats what we should stick to unless u live somewhere else.

  8. Legally in the states it's at 18. However some could be deemed "adult" before, or after that. There's some 15 year olds that are more "adult" than a 50 year old. So, it's hard to generalize it.

    I say once you are supporting yourself, paying your own bills, and have established a life you are then an adult. I was there at 17...bought my house at 19. My parents quit financial responsibility for me at 15...but i didn't then have many "bills", so I don't count that because I was still living in their house.

  9. most likely 21 because then you are old enough to do basically everything. You can drink and do other stuff without if u do that u should be able to handle the consequences and u can make ur own decesions. so basically it's urlife.

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