
What age group is usually involved?

by  |  earlier

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I am in a horse show at my barn, and my division is walk trot pleasure... the last show i did (at a different barn) i was w/t but i was against kids MUCH younger, some were 8! i asked a girl at my barn, and she said, if its pleasure its usually adults... is this true? also i ordered a fleece fitted saddle pad, is this appropriate for my event? thanks!




  1. Yes, pleasure is more adult-based. And I see no reason why your fleece saddle pad wouldn't be appropriate.

  2. hello, my opinion is when i here a pleasure division i think of adults because kids can do pony club and jumping because they are more agile and flexible. Most adults go in pleasure because thay cant ride properly and they have a nice quiet horse that can do it all but no side passes or barrel etc. or they wanna go in everything they can and often its the easiest and it could be there first show. they should have divisions for all ages in pleasure because that would be unfair for the kids and teenagers. it could be there first show to. Oh and pleasure does kind of come under the category of adult riding club so keep that in mind as well. so if they go in adult riding club they would usually go in pleasure

    honestly i dont know wat you do in pleasure classes but that wat i think.

    hope i help  x*x rokchik x*x

  3. Pleasure is typically adult...but walk/trot is typically children under 13y/o. I would suggest entering W/T/C (if you can canter) though it may be your first time, and you might not win at least you will be in your age group and the high the placing you get the better :)   1st out of 10 8y/o isn;t near as worth it as 5th out of 10 people your age :)

    Oh, and the fleece fitted pad will be fine :D

    **who keeps giving me a thumbs down on EVERY one of my answers xP

  4. Did you enter short stirrup?  That is a beginner class and usually has young beginners. You should look over the classes carefully and you may see how they group the kids and adults. Walk trot may be your clue.

    Some fleece pads are okay but you need to look around and see if your pad looks lots different than everyone elses.  I always like to pay attention to what is winning...


  5. Most kids do all the walk trot classes, even w/t pleasure. There will be kids in the class, most likely.

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