
What age is best for adoption?

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We were considering adopting a child. What age do you think needs parents the most? I know all kids of all ages need parents but at what age lack of ones is the most traumatic for their development if you know any studies or from experience? Thanks




  1. i know that a lot of older children need homes because a lot of couples want to adopt babies. So then there are a lot of kids around the 9-13 are or maybe a little younger that are not getting adopted and the babies are.

    good luck, but any child you adopt with love you

  2. Depends where you're going... family went to China and they got one at 13 mos, but there was a 3yr old along cause she needed surgery (they gave her up to get it fixed over here). She was initially certainly in shock more, but those kids need it the most. Just a cleft lip or burn can leave them alone for a lifetime, this little girl got fixed up and is very happy now.

    Apparently India wants babies to go to Indian families only, but 3 yr old and up girls go very fast cause they're so hard to place. Give a child a home that needs one.

  3. 2 0r 3 they tend to really bomd with people but its important to include the birth mother so the child understands things better.

  4. I know it is hard to get a newborn as most parents wish to adopt a newborn.  How about an older child that has maybe been in foster care for a while and would like a permanent home?

  5. Well I think that older kids might have more trouble fitting into their new environment and will need the most care but if you want it easier a baby would be good to. I know people adopt kids of all ages and adopting kids that need the most help is really a true genuine thing to do :) About the ages of 7-15 need parents the most and teenagers are going to be trouble. Trust me they might try the "Don't tell me what to do because your not my real dad! or mom!" but just make sure you have a back up plan...good luck" and i wish the best..

    could you try to answer my question if its possible? thanks

  6. I just think they are all so different!  I would sound out who needs you from agencies.

    One younger child may adjust quicker, but you may find an older child who suits you and your partner perfectly but has less chance of being placed else where.

    If you target a particular age I think it should be influenced only by you both picking an age you are comfortable with so that you don't feel out of your deapth

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