
What age is good to start my my little princess in ballet?

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What age is good to start my my little princess in ballet?




  1. She should start whenever she is ready! I started doing ballet when I was two years old, and started doing jazz when I was five. I've been dancing ever since! I love it! If you think your daughter is ready, then you should get her involved in dancing. She will learn technique, discipline, make friends, and have fun! It doesn't get much better than that!

  2. Encourage general freestyle dancing around the house as soon as she can walk, and play music for her as soon as she can hear (well, that's the moment she's born... well, you get the picture).  

    As to starting actual classes:  When I was 2 years old I had a video of a toddler's ballet class,   which was really great (Rosemary Boris Fantasy Garden Ballet Class).  I used that for several years, and went through several more Use-At-Home videos until I was about 6.  Then I started the live teacher thing, and I am still dancing and enjoying it, which should say something for that method.  

    Starting her at about age 5 might be all right too, but I would recommend a school that does not frequently do big, flashy recitals.  These can be very stressful on a very young girl.  

  3. Speaking from experience here - i am a teacher of ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop, lyrical of ages 6-11. There are little dancers at my studio as young as 3. From experience, the little ones absoloutely love dancing - anything at all, not just ballet! They actually relate alot more to jazz at is is "fun." But they don't start serious dancing until age 7 or 8, maybe a year earlier if they have alot of talent or they can concentrate for long periods of time.

    By all means, start her in a ballet class, but it will not be "real" ballet until she is at least 8. This is because her body will be too young to withstand the rigors of ballet. She will most likely experience a more "creative movement" class, which are all about rhythm of the music, being bale to express themselves, having fun and of course learning in a fun environment along the way.

    I started dancing at age 4, doing jazz, ballet and tap. Of course the ballet was more creative movement.

  4. I would say a good age would be 3+

    Its a good age to develop an understanding of music and rhythm as well as being social with other little princesses and besides all that, its really very cute at that age!

  5. My mum's, friend's, daughter is going on ballet lessons and she's 4... I think its the best to start at an early age...

  6. My daughter started at 3. Most dance studio's don't have an "age" limit but they want the children to be potty trained. If your daughter is anything like my daughter is (can't help but dance if there is music on and doesn't care where or who she's with) then she's ready. We are in our 4th year and we have just started musical theatre! Good luck!

  7. thats great she's starting :)


    when it come to little ones there is no need to rush

    4-5 is good they will just be doing tiny tots things but if after that period many girls drop out if your child keeps going she will go to grade 1,2,,4,5,intermediate foundation,intermediate,advances foundation etc etc

    and if she witholds will have the chance to become a professional ballerina she has to love it though

    i also recommend with ballet maybe a jazz class for fun =)

    goood luck

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