
What age is it acceptable to take a child to see a 12a?

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I went to see Dark Knight today (6pm showing and its brilliant) and while there was a large family with a child aged about 3. The child of course got really bored half way through (its a long film and children get restless) and chatted non stop got in and out its seat while the parents didnt do a lot about this. I dont blame the child its not their fault they were bored, just what sort of grown adult thinks this is a good idea?




  1. Well It depends on the parents :)

    But I'd say 9 or 10 Atleast ^^

    Dark Knights a great film btw ;)

  2. I would have thought a minimum age of 8 would be ok to take them into see this film.

  3. I think it depends on how mature a child is but taking an infant that young is plain rude to the other customers!

  4. Three is too young, especially for a film like that. I didn't take my youngest to the cinema till a few months ago (he's 4) and that was a kids film. He fell asleep about ten minutes into it! He loves Batman but I wouldn't dream of taking him to see this one, it looks way too dark fo his age.

  5. I dont think they should have let the child in!

  6. Daft taking a child in at that age.

  7. I don't think the child would have been allowed in here @ 3yrs of age, but no, I wouldn't, your right they would get bored!!

  8. My guess is that they didn't plan on taking the child, maybe a babysitter backed out on them at the last minute. However, there is no excuse for them not distracting the child when he got restless.

  9. 12 or over

  10. I know what you mean. They shouldn't take their children to see a film like that. I think that it is acceptable for children say 10+ to see a 12A movie (with parent supervision). It really depends on the film.

    Some like Batman, you shouldn't be 3 years pld to see it. I guess the company who made Batman just want a bigger amount of money and thats why 3 year olds are allowed in. I think that that child really disrupted the screening and the parents should have payed for a babysitter.


  11. when they are 12a I suppose........

    I dont know why parents think taking a child under 7 to the cinema is a good idea, to see any film.  They never sit still and apart from annoying others its a waste of money

  12. The whole point of the "A" is that it's advisory - children mature at different rates, and it's your responsibility as a parent to decide when your child is mature enough to view the film. What might be suitable for one seven-year-old might not be suitable for someone else's nine-year-old.

    As for the three year old - this could happen at a PG or U film too. It's possible they didn't think the movie was suitable, but couldn't find a babysitter or something like that. If you're bothered by this, go to the cinema at a time when there aren't likely to be young children there, or restrict your viewing to 15 and 18 rated films.

  13. Chavs

  14. 12

  15. i would never take my son and hes 4yrs to see batman i think is for older kids at least 7 maybe older depending on how mature they were.otherwise their  going to be so bored

  16. I think it all depends on what the film is and how mature the child is

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