
What age is optimum for ***** to have litter

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how old is too old




  1. usually 4-5 years of age is considered too old to let a dog have its 1st litter,so under that age if you are going to let your dog have pups,also remember dogs are 7yr old to our 1 year so at those ages the dog would be between 28-35yrs

  2. You are in a cat's question area first of all.....second, as long as the pet (I won't say cat or dog here) is in heat, they can get pregnant...but why?  There are too many unwanted animals in shelters now, why add to the population?  You are obviously not a breeder (they would know this question), so why?  If you are just trying to make money, there is more responsible ways of doing this.  Please rethink this, and get your pet spayed and not pregnant....they will live longer and be much more healthier.

  3. First of all, I think you confused dogs and cats in your topic title. I'm assuming you meant to say ***** when you mean queen.

    Second, don't breed her. There are plenty of kittens and cats in shelters that really need homes, and creating more is just adding to the problem.

    If you absolutely have to breed her and there is no toher choice for whatever reason, try not to breed her before she is a year and a half at least. I highly suggest you read this before even considering mating your cats.

  4. If you don't know that simple question you shouldn't breed at all. Leave it up to the experts. Why would you want to breed anyway? It takes homes from shelter pets and can cause your Female to have health problems.

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