
What age is the best time to start potty training?

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I have a 2 year old daughter and I am just wondering when should I begin potty training with her?




  1. I started my daugther at 2, and then began to get frustrated, so we held off for a while.  Then, when she was a few months away from 3, i just said "Ok, you're going to wear underwear now.  Don't pee your pants."   By then she understood, and it was no problem!

  2. i would start introducing it now - if she's not into it, don't push it, but it's worth a try - my little girl started showing readiness signs at 15 months, so she was trained before her 2nd birthday.

  3. my sisters waited until their kids were 2 1/2

  4. I itroduced each of my kids to the potty at about 16 months.  At age 2, I put my son on the potty every hour on the hour, and kept him in real underwear so that when he had an accident, it was him who suffered.  2 months after his 2nd birthday, he was not only wearing big boy underwear full time, but also sleeping in them....consistency is the key.  Good luck

  5. There are several types of potty training (baby training, toddler training, child-led training).  For toddler training the two most critical signs are that 1) she is old enough to understand your explanation that from now on pee/poo goes in the potty/toilet, not a diaper and 2) she shows signs of bladder control such as waking up dry occasionally, or going for long stretches with a dry diaper (this way you know she will be able to hold it long enough to get to the toilet when you start training her.)  Children are usually ready between 18 months old and 2 1/2 years old (my daughter was 2 1/2).  Don't start until you really feel they are ready, and then when you start don't go back to diapers no matter what because it sends a mixed message (even if she pees on the floor or begs for them).  When my daughter was ready, clothing was an issue.  If her wardrobe isn't potty training friendly, you might want to invest in elastic waist pants and dresses.  Good Luck! E-mail if you have more questions.

  6. Does she show any interest in the potty? Bladder and bowel control takes time to develop and not all kids are ready at the same age. Most experts say 2 years old is the best time to start. My daughter would follow me to the bathroom to see what I was doing on the potty. Teaching to wipe may be the toughest part of training a girl. Being a woman you already know, but make sure she understands the correct way to wipe: front to back, or else your will be dealing with UTI's and sometimes it's hard for the little ones to tell us if they have any discomfort/burning when they go. It was about a 2 month process to get my daughter completely trained.

  7. 2 is usually a good age to start if your child is ready. has a readiness guideline. Good luck!

  8. each child is so very different... my first child was a breeze we started potty training at 20 months and she was potty trained in a week. never had an accident after that.

    my next child was the polar opposite, she was over 2 years and when we started there was accidents EVERYWHERE.. it was terrible.. and long and drawn out.. she is now almost 3 and finally the accidents have stopped..

    you just have to be patient.

    most people suggest around 2 years old is the best time to start though. ;)

  9. whenever she shows interest. Let her know that you have the potty and what it is for and let her tell you when she is ready (within reason of course)

    most kids start around 18 monthes

    but are not fully potty trained until 2 1/2-3.

    just make sure she is ready for preschool because most 3 year old programs will not let her in with diapers or pullups

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