
What age is too young for training bras?

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Shae is six years old. She is very active. She has never had an ounce of fat all muscle!! But in the past few weeks we (her mother and I) have noticed she is gaining weight. (not too much, just like she is about to have a growth spert) The thing is I guess all females, no matter the age gain weight in the same areas. We think she may need a training bra. We are concerned that kids at school will tease her, because she is only six. Should she just wear an under shirt or a training bra. They are not huge or anything... Just you can tell she is a girl by looking at her shirt.




  1. when i was in elementary school, I noticed a couple girls in grade 2 wearing training bras... she's definitely not too young... u gotta do what u gotta do, lol...

    but when i was in grade 5, one of my classmates wore one, and she got teased a lot... the would ask her "can i borrow a tissue?"

    so yeah, it's kind of a difficult decision...

  2. I know kids can be so mean but I would get her a training bra or a sports bra  if she is starting to devlope even if it isn't that much.  I started to wear one at 8 because I was blessed in that area. lol  She might be the same way.  

  3. I dont think age matters.

    Its the development..

    If you notice them..then its time for a bra.

  4. I have to laugh....

    When I was growing up, women were all burning their bras.  It was cool to not wear a bra as it showed you were liberated.

    Now these kids have grown up and  their children are trying to put training bras on 6 yr olds!


    6 is too young... if you are worried about the amount of fat or the placement of said fat, then talk to her doctor.

  5. Some kids, male and female, have a tendency to put on weight and then grow a few inches in height.  If her b*****s are beginning to bud and you can see her b*****s under her shirt, she should wear something.  I suggest you look at sports bras.  They are cute and very comfortable and will take care of the problem.  Be careful not to make her feel self-conscious or she will be embarrassed of her body.  

  6. I was about 6 when i wanted to be like my big sister and wear a bra so my mom took me and got me a training bra that looked like a sports bra.  Made me feel good and I wore it a lot.  Just take her shopping and ask her if she would like to wear a bra like a big girl, they will usually say yes especially if they have an older sister or want to be like mommy.    

  7. My 9 year old sister has friends who wear training bras, and have been wearing them. get like, a sports bra.

  8. Age has nothing to do with it . If you can tell she's cold you're a little late.

  9. I'd suggest the can be a tank top type so it doesn't make her hot.  I wouldn't do the bra yet, though.

  10. I dont think it is a big deal at all. If she is getting boobies than she needs one.

  11. 6 is definitely too young. I started wearing one at 10, and I got teased pretty badly.

  12. Unless she is very overweight she shouldn't need a training bra at age 6. I have a 6 yr old girl. There is nothing defined at age 6. There may be flabbiness around that area but that does not make them defined b*****s needing a bra. An undershirt would be much more appropriate at this age.  

  13. Get her one- if you can look at her and tell she needs one then she needs one.  She is going to get picked on more for not having one and everyone being able to see her stuff.  Plus kids today are a lot more mature, well exposed I should say.  Like I said if she needs one get her one- thats just uncomforable for everyone- her not having one.

  14. i do not think it is age more so when she needs it..i developed very early i never got to wear the training bra i skipped to a b..but i think if you and your child's mother feel that she needs one that will be good..and it does not have to be something that will make a huge difference there are a lot of simple but helpful types..good luck

  15. 5 and under

  16. Six does seem a bit young for a training bra. I mean, those are meant for growing b*****s, not excess weight. But that said, if an undershirt isn't working, go ahead and get her some cute ones from the little girl's section.

  17. I don't think that there is any such thing as too young for training bras. If her body starts to develope, then you should let her wear them. Or maybe like a cami or something under her clothes. She won't get teased for it, because nobody will see it. But if she really doesn't need it, then no.

  18. Maybe start with an undershirt.

    In a few years, when shes 9 maybe, then go to training bras.

    Or you could get her a sportsbra =]

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