
What age (month, year) can i breed my girl bulldog?

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a friend of mine wants to bred her to english bulldog but wants to know what age she can

any help thanks




  1. Bulldogs are extremely hard to breed, they are notorious for not standing for males, and often have to be artificially inseminated. Then the females almost ALWAYS have C-section births. MOST eng. Bulldog breeders automatically schedule a C-section after a confirmed pregnancy from the vets office. IF YOU have the money and time, the female should be bred, around 2 years, be conformationally sound, 100% healthy and genetic tested, be the best of her breed, temperamentally sound. This also would go for the male too. IF you and your friend do not know the first thing about breeding a Eng. Bulldog my suggestion is DO NOT DO IT. It can put your dog in danger of dying and you losing a family friend and lots of money.

  2. Your friend should know that before she even thinks about breeding. And not through random answers on yahoo...

    My recommendation is that she DOESN'T  breed her at all. There are too many unwanted pets in the world... don't encourage her to add to that..

  3. If you bought this dog to make money with, forget it.  Do you know how many bulldogs end up being euthanized in shelters?  LOTS.  There's already an over-supply of dogs in this country.  Do you want your dog's pups to end up being put down because nobody wants them?  

    Get your girl spayed and save yourself the heartache.

  4. 1. After she's at least two and

    2. After she's been shown with favorable results, preferably to a championship and

    3.  After she has passed her BAER, CERF, and proper OFA screenings and genetic testing for the breed with outstanding scores.

  5. She needs to at least be one year old, but the puppies will probably be unhealthy, as of if she's bred at two, so I say three years old.

  6. I totally agree with Rescue member. Bulldogs are the most difficult breed of dog to breed. If you are going into this to make money, forget it, as it will cost a FORTUNE in vet fees. Leave the breeding to the experts if you love and respect your dog. It's absolute cruelty to put her through all that. And NO, I won't calm down, backstreet breeders should be abolished!!!

  7. First of all, you should wait till the dog is old enough to be genetically tested for a variety of issues.  Secondly, English Bullies are terribly difficult to breed.  Usually the female has to be artifically inseminated, then, because the pups heads are so large, they cannot be whelped the normal way, they have to be born by cesarian section.  Then a lot of times the puppies and mom don't live through the procedure.  If they do live, you have to help feed and care for the puppies.  That is why english bulls are so expensive.  If you seriously think your dog is worthy of being bred and producing puppies then you need to find a mentor who can talk to you and answer any and all of your questions.


  8. If you don't know anything about breeding then you shouldn't breed them.

  9. When she has at least 5,000.- dollars available for the C=section her dog is going to need since  most bulldogs cannot have normal birth because the pups' heads are too large to pass through the birth canal - plus all the vetting the pups are going to need.

    This breed is notoriously hard to breed, very dangerous for the mother dog.

    Tell your friend to forget it if she loves her dog and wants her to live and be healthy.

  10. The kennel club has got strict rules and regulations now about breeding.  You would be best check with them.

  11. After she reaches 2 years old, has had all health testing (hips, elbows, eyes etc) and has gotten her confirmation championship, you have researched her pedigree for any problems tests don't show, have gotten a breeding mentor and know the breed backwards and fowards.  Please don't even think about breeding your dog if you aren't willing to do all this.  There are enough Bulldogs  riddled with genetic problems without you creating more by breeding dogs that are not tested.   Bulldogs are also at a very high risk of having to have a c-section (something like 95% of all Bulldogs reqire a c-section)  and a large number aren't also requrie artifical insemination to even conseve.    Even under the best circumstances you are risking your b*tches life be breeder her, but this is even more true with breeds that are prone to complications

  12. If "your friend" doesn't know, she shouldn't be breeding her dog. Tell her to get the dog spayed.

  13. If you (okay, okay - "your friend") doesn't know the answer to this question, than you (she) should not be breeding the dog.

    If you (she) really wants to get into breeding, and breeding only AKC certified dogs (not backyard breeding, in other words), get with your (her) breeder and ask for their help/advice/etc.

    If you did not get your (her) dog from a breeder, then definately do not breed it.

  14. She will have her first heat at 7 months old and the second one at 18 months old.  The second heat should be the earliest that you breed her.  She will be ready to breed between the 10th and 14th day of her heat.  If the male comes by before or after that time frame she will defend herself.  If he isn't strong willed ( or a punk ) the breeding will not take place.  

  15. Why are you breeding her?

    Is she registered?

    Does she have any titles or points?

    Has she been health tested as far as hips, heart, etc?

    There is no reason to breed a "house pet".

    If you do not know what you are doing...DON'T BREED HER!!

    Alot more goes into breeding then hooking two dogs up.

    Your dog should have x-rays, ultrasounds, health checks- that goes for male and female on the health checks.

    Do you have the funds for and emergency if one arises like a c-section?

    I do not understand why people want to breed pets. You are doing nothing but backyard breeding..pure and simple. Especially if you have a dog with no papers or titles or anything.

    You do not know the background (lines) of the dog to breed quality pups.

    Leave it to the reputable breeders and get your dog fixed, especially if you have to ask what to do.

    Most reputable breeders will not breed till the 3rd heat( 2 to 2 1/2 yr.olds) when the dog is mature, because then only then will you know the temperament of the dog. Some people do it at the 2nd heat, but still the dog is only an adolescent, and not recommended.

    Just in case you don't heed this advice and do it anyways. At least you can try to do it right.

  16. "My"



    Are two different ownership claims.

    Don't breed your/her dog at all. English bull dogs are EXTREMELY difficult to breed. Its a costly experience and you/she risk losing the dog in birthing.  

  17. First off, WHY would you want to breed her?  

    Well, she needs to be at least 2 years old, but that's just a start. Is she registered with a reputable Kennel Club, such as the AKC? Does she meet the breed standard? Has she been Champion titled in shows to prove she is breed-worthy? Has she been temperament tested? Health tested for genetic diseases? And are you going to require ALL of the above in the stud you breed her with?

    Are you prepared to hand-raise and bottle-feed an entire litter in the even your b*tch rejects the pups, or dies during whelping? Are you aware of the risk of losing your b*tch? Do you know that bulldogs nearly ALWAYS require a c-section? Can you afford a c-section? Is it still worth putting your b*tch through a pregnancy if all the puppies die? Are you willing to take responsibility for all puppies you produce, requiring that an owner return a puppy to you at ANY TIME during its life if that owner is unable to keep it?

    Do your research.

  18. I wish I had a a bulldog.

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