
What age or grade do u receive first communion?

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What age or grade do u receive first communion?




  1. I was 8.

    Religion and Spirituality is a more appropriate section for this question;_ylt=...

  2. It really depends on which church you belong to. Some churches believe that once a child has been baptized that they are open to all the sacraments, including communion. They begin communion when they are old enough to take it into their mouths.

    The other extreme are the protestant churches who believe that people must be considered an adult and capable of making decisions, and communion doesn't begin until 16 or 18.

    If you are thinking of the Catholic/Anglican communion, it's usually first grade, about the time that the kids can sit through a series of classes, understand the point of confession and follow the ceremony of the first communion.

  3. I did when I was 7. You must have your first confession before you get communion, though.

  4. between the ages of 7 and 8

  5. when I went to school it was the 2nd. grade, when my daughters went to school it still was the second grade, so my answer is the second grade (age 7)

  6. Wouldn't know I'm not catholic! But my kids started taking communion with the church at about 3 years old. They handed it out and the kids wanted to participate so we let them. BTW I'm nondenominational so we don't hold to the traditions some of the other faiths do.

  7. I was about 7 or 8....


  8. About 8 years old.

  9. Usually gr. 2, but some wait until gr. 3 or even older. But not before you're 7.

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