
What age / s*x does what type of Cancer hits ?

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hey , does anyone know at what age does cancer take place , what types of cancer come at older age as compared to younger age .. it seems some cancers only occurs at old age




  1. Cancer usually occurs at around 40s to 60s. This is because cancer is caused by 'free radicals' that ACCUMULATE over time and turns regular healthy cells, cancerous.

    However, depending on lifestyle, environment and genetics, cancer can occur at any age.  

  2. Cancer has no specific boundries in regards to the age or people that it affects.Cancer cells develop because of damage to DNA. This substance is in every cell and directs all of the cell's activities. Most of the time when DNA becomes damaged, either the cell dies or is able to repair the DNA. In cancer cells, the damaged DNA is not repaired. People can inherit damaged DNA, which accounts for inherited cancers. Many times though, a person’s DNA gets damaged by things in the environment, like,chemicals, viruses, tobacco smoke or too much sunlight.

    According to the American Cancer Society:Half of all men and one-third of all women in the US will develop cancer during their lifetimes. Today, millions of people are living with cancer or have had cancer. The risk of developing most types of cancer can be reduced by changes in a person's lifestyle, for example, by quitting smoking, limiting time in the sun, being physically active, and eating a better diet. The sooner a cancer is found and treated, the better the chances are for living for many years.

  3. Cancer is not picky, but if you poke it, it wont poke you back, though it might still pick you, because poking and picking are two different things.

  4. Most cancers are mainly diseases af ageing; the majority of people diagnosed with cancer are over 60. Breast, colon and prostate cancers are just a few examples of cancers where the overwhelming majority of people diagnosed are over 50 or 60.

    Some cancers  specifically affect  children and teenagers or young adults.

    But nobody, of any age, can be considered to be safe from cancer.

  5. CANCER does not discriminate against age if you have it you have it, you can be a small child to an elderly person. but you must always never give up hope  

  6. i think 18 yrs y?

  7. Cancer is an umbrella term for over 200 different types of disease. Some of these cancers are more likely to occur at certain ages. Childhood cancers, adolescent, and young adult cancers often have a totally different biological makeup than an older onset cancer. With cancer, however, there are always exceptions . . a child can have an adult cancer and a sixty year old can still get a childhood type cancer.

    So, unfortunately, cancer can occur at age. What might help though is to know which types of cancer are more likely to occur based on your age group.

    ASCO: Age Specific Information about Cancer (cancer according to age group)

    In general . .  Childhood cancers, adolescent, and young adult cancers are non-epithelial type cells . . having more to do with the soft tissue in the body, muscles, blood vessels, ligaments, tendons, joints, or bone.

    While older adults (over 50) tend to have epithelial type cancers (carcinoma) of the organs (lung, colon, breast, etc).

    Types of Childhood cancers (affects predominately children from 0-13, adolescents 14-19, and young adults 20-40 years old):

    Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

    Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)


    Brain Stem Glioma

    High Grade Glioma

    Central Nervous System


    Desmoplastic Infantile Ganglioglioma




    Wilms tumor

    Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoma




    Germ cell tumors

    Pleuropulmonary blastoma

    Types of cancer in Teenagers (15-19):

    Hodgkin’s lymphoma (16.1%)

    Germ cell tumors (15.2%)

    CNS tumors (10%)

    Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (7.6%)

    Thyroid cancer (7.2%)

    Melanoma (7%)

    ALL (6.4%)

    Sarcoma, not including rhabdomyosarcoma (5.9%)

    Osteosarcoma (4.6%)

    AML (4.2%)

    Ewing’s sarcoma (2.3%)

    Rhabdomyosarcoma (1.9%)

    Types of Cancer in Young Adults (20-40)

    Brain tumor

    Central nervous system, Childhood Cancer

    Breast Cancer

    Colorectal Cancer

    Ewing's Sarcoma, Childhood Cancer

    Germ Cell Tumors, Childhood Cancer

    Leukemia, Acute Lymphoblastic (ALL), Childhood Cancer

    Leukemia, Acute Lymphocytic (ALL)

    Leukemia, Acute Myeloid (AML), Childhood Cancer

    Lymphoma, Hodgkin

    Lymphoma, Hodgkin, Childhood Cancer


    Ovarian Cancer

    Osteosarcoma, Childhood Cancer

    Sarcoma, soft tissue

    Testicular Cancer

    Thyroid Cancer

    Types of cancer found in Older Adults (50 - 100+)

    Most cancers in older adults involve an organ


    Adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia

    Adult acute myeloid leukemia









    Many others

    Cancer in the older adult is thought to be the result of aging and the mutation of cells. Risk factors associated with older adult cancers include smoking, lifestyle, carcinogens, sun exposure . . but those are only risks . .there are exceptions for each one.

    Reasons for cancer in the young is unknown. Few cancers in the young can be linked to any type of risk factor . . few are linked to hereditary, no clear environmental links exist when children with same cancer types are compared, no common risk exists other than being young.  Some childhood cancers (small round celled) seem to occur far more frequently in males than in females (4 to 1), but no one knows why.

    So cancer, in general terms, can be age specific . . although it must be noted that there are exceptions to every rule . . and children can have an adult cancer and even a seventy year old can have a childhood cancer . . but it is rare.

  8. prostate cancer is a geezer cancer mosty of the time.......cancer doesn.t discriminate.......thats why there are pediatric cancer centers...........

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