
What age should a child learn to read?

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Should they learn before or in Kindergarten? Also what is the best way to teach a child to read?




  1. When they are able to determine what sounds letters make, and can recognize their letters is the time you can try and teach them simple 2 letter or 3 letter words.

    Read to your child all the time...let them see you reading on your own.

    My child is 6 1/2 and reads on a 3rd grade level. It really clicked when she entered Kindergarten. But don't be surprised if they can read a word on paper but not be able to spell it when you ask them to.

  2. I tink 30 is a good age to strt lerning to red

  3. when they are about 18 months to one year.  They are old enough to learn sign language at that age, they should be old enough to learn to read.  The first step is the ABC's.  then teach the child what sounds each letter makes, and assoicate the sound with a word, that you would write out and show him.  A= apple, b=bear ect.  Next comes reading.  Just give him a simple child's book, and read it to him and read it with him, showing him how to sound out each word until he get comfortable with the word, at the same time, telling him about the special sounds when letters come together to make words.  Sh= shush, ect.  He'll be young, but able to learn and grasp the concepts quickly.  Girls usually learn faster, but boys will learn just as well too. This is also a good age to start working on math.  Count to a hundred, count by two, count by fives, count by tens, count by threes, sixes, eights, sevens.  All to a hundred.  this will really help when it comes time to learn multiplication.

    But infants have an incredible learning capablity too.  Thier brians are developed enough to learn straight from the womb, when they begin encourning the world around them.  Use the time and read to them.  It helps develop thier brian, and classical music has been found to increase thier IQ's and ability to grasp complex material and to think critically.

  4. You can start teaching them to read by reading to them when they  are in the womb.

    Read to them when they are infants, letting them see words.

  5. Before kindergarten is definitely helpful for a headstart. I was an early reading, starting to read at age 2 or 3. You could start teaching a child the alphabet when they're 1-2, then reading from 3-4, so that they can read somewhat by kindergarten.

  6. I knew how to read when I was 4, so I got started very early.

    best thing to do is read with your child, show them the alphabet and help them say and sound out words.

  7. as soon as they are willing able and age is too early, just the attitude

  8. Every child is different. I'd just start to teach them, and observe how quickly they pick it up. If they know the alphabet, teach them the sounds, how to spell their name, etc...  I'd say a child can read as young as 3 or 4, and probably should be reading by 7 at the latest.

    IF you want to teach a child of any age to read, the Hooked on Phonics system is AMAZING. I'd order the whole set! I taught my 6-year-old brother to read using it and was astounded by how much the songs and memorization techniques helped him.  He was reading at a higher grade level by 1st grade!

  9. Well,I learned how to read at 4-5 years.You should just teach him how the letters sound and first just let him practice writing these letters and after that you can write little words like for example COW,CAT,DOG,FISH,GIRL,BOY and stuff like that there.You should help him just in case...and you can find nice activities for hm that involve reading...

    Good luck!

  10. They should learn to read whenever their school teaches them- or else they will be dead bored and disrupt the class.

  11. My husband and I waited until our daughter started Kindergarten to really start teaching her how to read full childrens books, but we read to her every night and she knew how to read road signs, billboards etc. by the age of 2 1/2.  She is now almost 16 and loves to read on her own as well as with her schoolwork.

  12. Reading to your child is one of the better ways of teaching them how to read. Because it teaches them a enjoyment of reading. Which in turn helps them to learn how to read.

  13. they should learn how to read once they are born. wright super easy words on cards and then show what the word is . for example, if you write pen show them a pen.

  14. teach alphabet first at age 4-5 years...then start with 3-letters words

  15. A child learns to read first by learning words click here  for lists of dolch words a child should learn by each grade.  try these sites also

  16. Age 3 1/2 to 4 years old.

    They dont have to be experts, that is why there is school.

  17. It is never too early to start reading to your child, the sooner the better! I started reading to my son every day at the age of 6 months. By the time he was 3 he was reading small books on his own. Getting a jump start on it now, will ensure your child excells in school! Children start reconizing words at a very young age, so start as soon as possible. Picture books are the best to start with, as they can relate the pictures with the words and get an idea of what words go with what pictures. Good luck:o)

  18. When shes a toddler. thats the best time

  19. There is no "correct" starting age, but you should start reading them when they are very young.

  20. as soon as they start talking.

  21. Well now a days, children in kindergarten are learning all sorts of stuff. Social studies, math, science, health...etc. They never taught that when I was in kindergarten. So, since you're little one already knows her alphabet, then I would start by teaching her the 'sounds' of the letters. Then teach her some small words like "cat, dog, dad, go"...etc.  Repeatitiveness is the key to children learning. You can find all sorts of books for toddlers at WalMart, or Target.  :-)

  22. Hey CC ~

    I am an elementary school teacher with a reading specialist credential. Many of the moms here are right on. You must read early and often to your child. Don't stress so much on teaching them to read as in just reading to them when they're toddlers. I started when my son was 6 months old. I'd lie next to him on the floor while he was on his tummy and read to him. I'd put my finger on the right and read with my finger following the words. (This teaches them to read right to left) He loved it - even at 6 mos. You must read to your child everyday if possible ... it doesn't have to be more than 10 minutes when their young .. just read. They hear how to read at a correct rate (we call this fluency) and they learn tons of words. This is HUGELY important because THE biggest problems we have with reading are comprehension and a serious lack of vocabulary.

    In Preschool (if it's a good one) and Kinder they will teach him phonics and what we can CVC words (cat, hat, hit, bit) and towards the end of Kinder they should be reading small books. If you have been reading to him all along he'll pick up on this already and be way ahead. You can start teaching him phonics and short vowel words when he/she is younger if you want to ... it won't hurt and you can get some good books from a teacher supply store.

    Remember ... YOU are the biggest role model for your child's reading success. If they see you read they will understand it is something you enjoy and it is important to you. Never stop reading to them ... even once they read on their own. At least until they're old enough to tell you otherwise! lol My son is in 2nd grade and reads at a 7th grade level ... he really understands what he reads and he enjoys it. It is NOT because I am a teacher either ... it's because of how much I read to him when he was young. Although he is a capable reader I still read to him every night. He reads for 15 - 20 minutes and I read to him at bedtime. It is a special ritual for us and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

  23. The Chinese are very advanced with regard to education.  A study released in 2006 found that over 78% of children aged 5-7 working in factories could read the "warning" tags on the products they were assembling.

  24. My youngest started at 4. I always readed to her and we would learn a word a week at 3 years old. By the time she was 4 she was reading on her own.

    I also worked at a pre-school and i notice that one of our students was reading, but she had a small problem .She would squint as she was read. At the end of the day i spoke with she mother and she had her eyes check, sure enough she needed glasses.  Yes if they show an  interest.

      Read to him or her everyday. Have a lot of books have him or her see you reading,  also ask questions to see if they understand the story talk about the story draw pictures . Make it fun. oh act it out


  25. An advanced child will learn to read b4 kindegarten,  most kids learn to read in 1st grade.

    I like the phonics method of learning to read the best.  Teach each sound individually and then learn to blend them together.

  26. I learned to read when I was four. I forgot how I learned, though.

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