
What age should a child where makeup shop at the mall and high heels?

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I am 13 now and i want to wear these things i want to dress nice but what age should a child wear these things at a proper age




  1. 14

  2. 16

  3. when they aren't a child anymore...when they are maybe 15 and above =)

  4. 16 because some makeup can cause damage if your skin isn't well formed yet. Everyone looks beautiful if they've got some form of having themselves as role models and high self esteem.

  5. in 14 or 15  

  6. for make-up I'd say mid to late 15

    high heels.. if you want to wear them for a special occasion like a party you could wear them now, but to just wear casually, wait until you're 16.. but don't be a rush for those as they hurt after a while!! haha

    and shopping at the mall? I assume you mean you want to shop at the mall without parents, and that really depends on the area you're in.  If it's not a bad area I'd say around age 14/15 is fine. If it's a bad area wait until you're about 16.


    to the girl above me, just because everybody does

    it does not make it ok. if everyone started a fire in

    the school would that make it ok? jeez.

  7. Be careful on the make-up. If you don't have acne and normal skin, you really don't need anything for your face more than a good moisterizer with SPF. This will keep your skin healthy, which you will be proud you did when you start to get into your thirties. If you want some make-up, I'd suggest brown mascara. The purpose of make-up is to let your natural beauty shine. So if you don't have any flaws right now, keep it clean and simple. I say thirteen is ok for low heels. Just wear them on special occassions.

  8. wear makeup: when your parents let you, maybe high school.

    shop at the mall: now i guess

    high heels: are you kidding? like 18 or at a special occasion.

  9. 13 for makeup cause u probably dont want to wear high heels to school in middle school. and just some makeup not a lot. im 13 too and i wear makeup and heels at lik bat mizahs and stuff

  10. dress nice but not too fancy u could dress nice right now wear makeup right now but just simple makeup and high heels wait till ur  17 or 18 that way people are like whats up with that chick wearing high heels shes 15 wear them when ur older that why u dont look bad

    cause if wear them when ur real young  they look weird cause not a lot of 14 15 16 year olds are wearig them

  11. 13 is ok. I'm 13 and i do all of those things ,almost every girl in my grade does that, so its ok

  12. in her late age of being 13 and aT THE AGE OF 14

  13. i started wearing make up at 12 so i think it is fine . You can shop at the mall whenever you are mature enough (im guessing you mean w/o going with your mom) and as for high heels, I think you should wear high heels around 16.

    Hope i helped!

  14. i do all those things and i am 11... i just only where heels on VERY SPEACIAL occasions because i like knee high converses and such

  15. whenever you feel you want to, unless its under the age of about 12! 13 is fine. just dont overdo it. and as long as your parents are fine then go for it!  

  16. Make-up for a thirteen year old:


    Don't try to grow up too fast, and that

    also goes for trying to look older and more

    mature. Make-up is about enhancing what you

    already have. Concealer, lipstick, lip-liner, heavy eyeliner or

    heavy eyeshadow, blush, and

    foundation are NOT for thirteen-year-olds. Mostly

    because you won't know how to use it and end

    up looking like a kid playing dress-up.

    Since you are still a child, try using small

    amounts of make-up to give you that natural

    look that says, "I woke up out of bed

    looking this naturally gorgeous." The following

    are appropriate items in my opinion (though you

    don't have to use them all at once): lip gloss, eye-liner and

    eyeshadow (be careful not to over-do it), non-water-proof

    mascara (If you have light eyelashes, go for the brown

    mascara. It really makes your eyes look fresh and great!

    If you have black lashes, stick with black mascara, and add

    a light eyeshadow like green, or gold for a more natural look.),

    an eye-lash curler (Look up tutorials on Youtube on how to use an

    eye-lash curler, it's a little hard at first.), and I think that's

    all you will need. Ask a trusted adult that knows about make-up

    to help you if you have any trouble or questions.

    Shopping at the Mall:


    I think shopping at the mall at your

    age is a PERFECT age for starting. Your

    friends might wear clothes like American Eagle,

    Aeropostale, Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, etc.,

    and those stores are only located at the mall.

    Try telling your parents/gaurdians about that

    so that they let you shop there. (Try looking

    for clearances or sales at those stores because

    sometimes they are a little expensive; there are ALWAYS

    clearances going on though so don't worry.)

    Wearing High Heels:


    I think wearing high heels you are

    a little too young for. Maybe you should wear

    heels that are only about an inch

    or half and inch because you are

    still a kid and wearing high heels might

    make you look like a tramp or something.

    Wait until you are at least fifteen, since

    fourteen is still too young.

    Good luck, and I hope I helped. :)

  17. 16

  18. You can wear them, but don't go too far!

    I think simple make up (eyeliner, mascara and gloss) and cute heels won't look too much on a 13 years old!

    (doesn't have to be the exact same shoes, but the heels are cute and not too high)

    Hope I helped :)

  19. I think some make-up is okay for 13 year olds but not a lot.  I think lipgloss, light lipstick, light blush, and concealer for blemishes is fine.  I think eye make-up at 13 is too much but they can start practicing wearing it 'cause I think it's okay for 14 since you'll be in highschool.  Eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow is just too much for a 13 year old and it can look trashy and even S****y if applied heavily.  Instead, learn how to use an eyelash curler for the time being.  Foundation and face powder is a definite no-no!  You'll just start clogging your pores.  If your skin breaks out, use medicine at night and in the morning but apply a concelar just on the blemishes that is the same color as your skin.  I think small heels are fine.  I don't think low cut tops, really short shorts and tiny mini-skirts are appropriate or super tight things.  You don't have to dress like a little girl but just tastefully.  I think that girl in Wizards of Waverly Place (Selena Gomez) is an example of someone who wears trendy things that are appropriate for a young teen.  You don't want to dress s**y because even though you may be turning the heads of boy's your own age, you'll also be getting attention from perverted older men and that's something you definitely do not want!  You may also give boys the wrong idea.  Dress tastefully!  I think Limited Too is still a great place to shop if you still fit in their clothes.  Kohls also has some cute junior clothes!  GOOD LUCK and have fun in the eigth grade!

  20. make-up = 12

    shop alone = 13

    heels = [high heels wore alot not just on special occasions] 14

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