
What age should a girl start calling herself a woman?

by Guest63393  |  earlier

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  1. the moment she steps into financial independence.

  2. every girl is different

    can be from 14 to never i.e britney

  3. It is an individualistic thing, and no one person can surely say or set a general guide line pe say.  However in the eyes of the law the answer is 18, and on the most I would have to agree.

  4. The moment she gets to pay her rent.

  5. when she starts yelling, ordering and demanding.......

  6. I think when girls hit around 15, people should start calling them "young women."  At 16 or 17 people should probably begin to call them women, slowly weaning into it. Usually if they're headed off to college or about to get out of high school, they're crossing over into womanhood.

  7. You know when you are woman when you are giving advice to people other than your age group and begin to suprise yourself with your response.

    Its no particular age... she will know. She will have her own bills, home, car and job... Most girls though call themselves women before they actually are... I did!

    A "young" woman is appropriate at the legal age but there's still some ways before you evolve.

  8. When She no longer Thinks like a Girl ...

  9. I would say when she has become her own person. When her parents or other authorities figures don't have to tell her what is right and wrong. When she can make her own decisions about things. When she has outgrown the girl stage in which it's all about what her friends are doing and whether or not she's invited to this party or wondering why Ricky is looking at her best friend and not at her even though she told her best friend that she saw him first [lol pretty much grade school drama].

    I won't say when she is financially independent because you can still be a woman, yet rely on your parents for income [or you husband... whatever the situation may be].

    When you get your period you become a woman physically/biologically, however until you become a woman emotionally you shouldn't consider yourself a woman.

  10. 21

  11. 17

  12. I still call myself a girl and I am 34.   I think it is a matter of how you feel inside.  I am very much in touch with my innerchild which is probably why I still identify as a girl though I am very much a woman.

    PS.  I have been on my own, self-supporting (incl. college education) since I was 19.

  13. I'd say MOST girls become women around age 17, but the most important factors is her lifestyle and personality. The two connect in so many ways.

    My best friend has a cousin who is 2 years younger than us (she's 16), and you'd think she was 21 the way she handle's herself. She grew up in Italy her whole life, has a strict family, is in the working class society, and has a very powerful precense.

    But then I have a friend who also has strict parents, and has a working class family, but grew up in America. She didn't really come out of her shell until 17 years old.

    Bottom line, the is no answer. Girls become women through life experience.

  14. i would say..............16 or 17

    once u have a job and able to pay ur own rent and be able to take care of ur self

  15. when shes givin birth

  16. I only did a few years ago. A little slow to grow, eh? Late 20's, seriously.

  17. It's when She thinks like a women not a child

  18. 30 years old

  19. the law states your a grown women / man when your sixteen but i say when u get responsible and well situated

  20. it really depends on the person.

    because if your talkin about maturity then everyone matures differently like some people are very mature and inteligent at the age of 14 but others still dont understand many things and take silly risks at the age of 18..

    but girls mature earlier then boys.. so.. maybe.. around like 16 i think

    but physically id say definatly around 18.

    hope this helps =]

  21. When she wants too!!!  (Assuming you have solely supported yourself and survived)

  22. I'm 27 and if I'm in a formal setting, I'll say "woman", but usually I say "girl" out of habit, even though I know it's not technically correct and kind of sexist, since "boys" always become "men" at about 18.

  23. when she starts to act like one then

  24. when she feels ready or feels it's appropriate

  25. there was a point in my life where I truly felt and acted like a woman and I was confident with the label. I think a girl can call herself a woman when she feels that she is one. everyone grows up differently...and to be honest, some females I don't think ever mature into women.

    But I think each women instinctively knows when she is a woman and no longer a girl.

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