
What age should a mother stop bathing her sons?

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At what age should a mother stop bathing her son? Do you think 10 or may be 12




  1. Guest59754

    What age should a mother stop bathing her son?

    • First of all in many countries it a thing a family does.

    • Many families have bathing time where both parents bathe their children.

    • It very common for them to see their children naked and the children see their parents naked.

    • It a great way of bonding with family members.

    • It helps children of both gender to feel good about their self and others.

    • It help children to be proud of their bodies and their gift.

    • It the attitude how a parent come across to a child in bathing time.

    • It done with respect.

    • You ask your child would you like me to bathe you tonight or do you what to bathe your self.

    • There no forcusing your self on anyone one.

    • You cannot make your son or daughter to take a bath together.

    • If your child what to take a private bath. Then it need to be done with respect.

    • If sister see brother naked. Then he has the same right in seeing her.

    • If brother see sister naked. Then she has the same right in seeing him.

    • It a great time in brother and sister to learn and watch each other grow and develop.

    • It a great time for them to ask question and get answers.

    • The only time your son what other females to see him naked is when he allowed it not the mother.

    • There is only two females who can see your son naked. It his mother and sisters.

    • Females outside the home can not do as they please with your son.

    • Then if females outside the home are allowed to see your son naked. Then he has the same right to see them naked. There no double standard gender rules.

    • There is not a cut off age to bath your son. It up to him and you.

    • If he does come to you and tell you that he does not what you to bath him any more then you need to respect that and honor it.

    • This attitude we females have is we think we can do as we please does not work with children. It put a wall between you and them.

    • When he taking a bath and you are bathing them. He decide if he what others in the bathroom. Not you.

    • When you wash his genitals, you ask if it OK for you to wash them.

    • Mother has no rights exposing her son genitals to others. That is his business.

    • Bathintg time is a powerful bonding time with your child. You can sit on the floor of the bathroom and read a story to them. It a good time to talk about the day and see what been going on in school. It great quite place for him or her to talk about things they need to talk about.

    • If you use a babysitter that your child need to feel OK with them.

    • You never forcus your child in letting the babysitter bathe your child.

    • It the attitude of bathing which move relationship up the street or down the street which destroys the relationship.

  2. Guest160

     I think we should acknowledge that moms have sexual feelings towards their sons--its nomal.  Playing with their sons p***s, watching it get bigger and hard and then the drool uxin out and turning white as more flows out is a kick for mom and son.  Then she can start playing with it and giving herself and her son pleasure--what a joy for both of them especially tthe final sqirt whch gets into mommys face.  My mom never took me to o****m and  she quit entirely before I was 6.  She had large beatiful b*****s but I only got to see them once or twice.  How do the rest of you feel?

  3.  Some of these conversations are sick. Me myself, I think age 10 should be the cut off age unless the child has an disability and can't bathe himself.

  4.  I like the feeling when my parents make me c*m in the bath. My dad fingers my hole to clean it out and he always forces it it I'm 22. It's happened since I was 13

  5. Doris
    I still bathe my 11 year old. He can do it but looks forward to me doing it. He enjoys the closeness. He has always had erections from me handling his p***s but he loves that too. He never did get shy about me seeing him naked. I can see I will have to end this by age 12 if he don't ask first. He has been asking me to play with his erection for a longer time lately. It's getting now to be sexual. I have been warned by friends that this would happen. My GF stopped over one day when he was walking around nude. He was caught off guard so she saw him. He got up saying "OH sorry, Jan I am not dressed yet" and ran into his room. Jan was giggling over it but later on said does he always let you see his nude body? I had to admit yes. She gave me a funny look. I have to have a talk and tell him he needs to get more modest now.

  6.  I'm 22 and my mother and father bathe me still. I always got an erection and occasionally they help me out and make me c*m. I think it's normal and will always appreciate the help

  7. my mom baths me every night and when i get a hard on she helps me out it is natural right?

  8. That's what I call BS.

  9. My wife and I bathe our younger sons, 6,9,10. Our oldest now 16 has been bathing himself , by choice since he was 11. Last week the 16 y.o. asked me why we were not bathing him. I reminded him that it was his choice on his eleventh birthday.

    He wanted me to bathe him. He didn'y want his mom to help because she might see his erection. Your mom knows all about erections, she use to bathe her younger brothers. She also sees mine. She does? Wake up how do you think that you and your brothers got here?

    I told him to get in the tuib and that I would be back shortly. I returned nude with an erection so that he could see it. He said that he had never seen any of his friends with an erection. At that point his mom entered and had me get in the tub with the boy. She washed both of us and let us dry each other.

  10.  What about a father bathing his son?

  11. I am 19 years old and disabled and my mum still showers and washes me

  12. my grandmother used to bathe me until i was 18, full body in the bath, head to toe. she would play with my shaft and made me c*m more than once. she once let one of her friends feel me up too while my grandmother watched.

  13. you sick freaks


  15. From what I've read from my Google hits, Franklin D. Roosevelt's mother bathed him until he was eight.

  16. Correct me if I am wrong. Franklin D. Roosevelt's mother bathe him until he was in his late teens. Also according to his "ma ma" no female , most certainly Anna Eleaner Roosevelt was good enough for he little boy.

  17. When I was 11 year old my mother had to go into hospital for an operation. Her stay was to last a month. To help out my Dad invited his 16 year old step-daughter from a previous marriage to stay whilst my mother was away. On the first Sunday afternoon of her stay as my Father was stepping out to go somewhere he announced that she should bathe me. I was shocked. I had been bathing myself for a number of years and always did a good job. Looking back I would say he was just flexing his newly found freedom in my mother’s absence and wanted to make his daughter feel at home and part of our family. In a bid to avoid her doing so I quickly ran to the bathroom, locked the door and ran the bath. After about 10 minutes I began to feel that my ploy had worked then I heard a knock at the door. It was her, and she asked me to let her in. I said no it was OK. She then said in a stern voice to open the door. I had learnt in similar situations with my parents that it was better to open the door sooner rather than later. After opening it, I quickly sat back down in the water. Without saying anything, she picked up the flannel and rub soap into it. She then asked me to stand and began to wash me. When she moved towards my p***s, I sharply pulled away. She asked me what was wrong, and I said that I was worried the soap would sting. So she washed the soap out of the flannel, and resumed washing my p***s with it for short while whilst cupping my balls and pulling the f******n back with her other hand. Afterwards I quickly sat down in the water. I did not say anything. I just accepted it as natural part of being bathed. She then finished by washing my hair. I spent the whole week thinking about it and found myself looking forward to the following Sunday more and more. When it finally came we both went into the bathroom together and lock the door behind us. She ran the bath and I began to take off my clothes. When I came to take off my trouser I realised I had an erection and hesitated. At the time she was bent over the bath and too busy mixing the hot and cold water with her hand to notice. I could see no way out of the situation, so I stepped back from the bath and slightly behind her in a vain attempt to hide it.  I then very reluctantly took my trousers and underwear off. When she had finished, she turned around and looked down on my erect p***s. She then covered her mouth and gently laughed to herself for a while and then said, ‘What’s this?’ and gently tapped it sideways.  It was a sweet moment despite her laughing to herself. I then got into the water. It seems like an age before she started washing my p***s, which I thoroughly enjoyed. She continued bathing me every Sunday until my mother returned from hospital.


  18. I stopped bathing my son when he was10 he asked me to but when he go to stay with my sister she still baths him and he is 14 now she as told me he never as said any thing to her about stopping like he told me. She told me she washes his p***s and every thing and he gets hard so she knows he likes it

  19. guest 22531334 is right there is no age to wash you kids so go 4 it an have fun with it good luck

  20. Guest22531334, what country are you from?

  21. Bathing someone is a normal way of showing love for another human being. It base on who does it and the nature of the person. Mother bathing boys or girls, or father bathing dauaghter or son is total normal. There real is no age limited. Like I say it done with repect. Human touch feel good and it cause the child to feel bond more to his or hier parents. The same apply to children who touch each other and bath each other. The openess in the family develop a opennees with the human bedy being something beautiful and we feel a more positive attitude about our self that we do not do thing with our self we should not do. It the mannerness of it. Noex a example of this is that mom bath her son who is 12 is ok and she see him nake does not mean the women or girl next door have the same right with him.

    One things families have to be careful with that others unless your child what them to be involved. Example of this is mom bath her son who is 12 but his sister friend is over and his sister and her friend hang out in the bathroom looking apon his naked body and watch his mom wash his body. In lots of cultures women and girls have this ideal they can do as they please with other people children because they are a female and becuase it a nother female who doing thing with children.

    Family need not to be doning things when they have company. There is a place for everything. I am a mother of two girls who are 9 and 13 and a son who is 11. We have a very open door in our home and it not uncommon for brother and sisters to be in the bathroom. My son can be in the tub taking a bath. he call for us to come to wash his backside of him. We call for him also when we what to be wash. My 9 year old daughter will take bath with him and my 13 year old daughter will come in to wash both of them. Than she get in the tub and wash her. They do wash each other gentiles. I will be in the tub and I call for one of them to wash me, I enjoyed the touch from my children and they great enjoyed the touch from each other.

    We do not do this when we have company in the home. Example one of my daughter has company in the home we do not go into the bathroom to wash him or we do not let any one wash anyone. As a family you much use be concern how others take things.

    So you what to ask the question what if one of the kids friends become a ture part of the family yes I will allow openness. Example of this is my children walk around in the nude. Most of the time they do not close doors. There is a bathroom off the kitchen area and when you are sitting at the table you can see into the bathroom. There been time when my daughters or son have company they use the restroom as we do. They do not close doors. Example of this is when my younger daughter has two friends over who are 8 and 10. See in their home they practices the same. Now they do not have a brother like my daughters do. They see my son nude, they see him from the table peeing standing up at the toliet. He see them pee. Sometimes he be in the tub and his sister friend will volunteer to come and wash him. We know as a family that the 8 year old is so with wonders, and curiousity of the boys body. My son knew that. By her washing him give her a very safe way of seeing a boy and touching him. There been times when all the four girls be in there. My oldest daughter who be so good in helping her brother understanding the gemale parts of the body. She been in there with all the other girl girls in helping them to undeerstand the man body and how it works. The two girls next doors wahes his body and his gentiles. They have spend the weekend when their mom was on a trip. They take part in our family be nude. When the two girls take a bath that my son and his youngest sister will wash them.

    My children have cousin and they boys and girls. They come to spend a couple of weeks. One famiily has 3 sons who are 10, 13, and 14 years old. It a great time for my kids because my daughters get to see boys of differ ages and see what boys look like. There nothing wrong with nude, or touching someone or washing someone. People need to get off of their sexually minds about eveything be sexually.

    The bottom rule is to do it with repect. Now if your son does not what you in the bathroom than you need to repect that. The same rules goes with sisters and other women and girls. Like I say we have this ideal of us female we can do as we please and beauxe another mom is doing it or a sister that we can do the same.

    Like I tell my daughters if you what to see brother naked than he has the right to see you naked. There not one side rule. When someone has a double standard rule there is something sexually going on.

  22. Hi Guest22495573, You shouldnt be embarrassed,she is your mother.. I bathe my son of 19 almost every night and enjoy every relaxing moment that we spend during that time.. Does your mother bathe you every night that you are home on an extended weekend? It is understood and accepted that I bathe my son when I am available to do so. Some nights I work and cannot but when I am home I most definitely bathe him. I am an ultra clean woman..Almost on the verge of being obsessive about it.. I admit that I am, and he knows how I am about hygiene.  


  23. Hi Guest22495573, You shouldnt be embarrassed,she is your mother.. I bathe my son of 19 almost every night and enjoy every relaxing moment that we spend during that time.. Does your mother bather every night that you are home on an extended weekend? It is understood and accepted that I bathe my son when I am available to do so. Some nights I work and cannot but when I am home I most definitely bathe him. I am an ultra clean woman..Almost on the verge of being obsessive about it.. I admit that I am, and he knows how I am about hygiene.  


  24. Mom's should stop bathing their sons, only if the boys are embarrassed. I was a surprise to my mom and dad, being 18 years younger than my twin brother and sister. As a result, I am almost five years older than my nephew. Both sis and mom bathe me and my nephew together, until he was 10 and I was 14. After that we were bathe separately because the tub was getting to small for us. I am now in college and mom still bathes me when I come home for a long week end.  My nephew is now 17 and is still bathe by his mom and my mom. Neither one of us is embarrasses about the ladies bathing us or seeing us with erections.

  25. Guest22475809, your mother and grandmother gets to check you out in the bath. How about your girlfriend, why isn't she joining in? Let me guess, it's because you have not got one. Surprise surprise.

  26. Hi Guest22463960.. I am an 18 year old male and I still get checked and bathed by my mother and grandmother.. I look at it this way.. its fine with me if they want to go through the effort.. All I have to do is stand and kneel while they wash me..I must admit that they do a good job. After they are through washing me I get to soak and relax for a bit..My mom wants to trim my pubic hair because its bushy and sticks out the sides of my briefs and my grandmother agrees.. 

  27. Guest22463960, my question is why? Didn't they believe that you could be trusted or are you disabled in some way?

  28.     I was checked and bathed by mom, aunts or grandmother till 16 or 17. I can't understand a boy, not a girl of course, of any age, to be ashamed of his nakedness in front of so close relatives.

  29. I was checked and bathed by mom, aunts or grandmother till 16 or 17. I can't understand a boy, not a girl of course, of any age, to be ashamed of his nakedness in front of so close relatives.

  30. Women, when you were a teenager would you have dated a boy who was still being bathed by his mum? Would you be happy if your daughter dated a boy who was still being bathed by his mum? I think not.

  31. I was an "oops". My Mom had to work, and I was cared for, and bathed by my sister who was 12 years older than I. My sister gave me a complete bath, including my p***s, until I was almost 14. We had no problems. It was ONLY A BATH, not s*x.! Yes, when I became erect, it was simply explained, and move on.  We stopped when she married. This was 40+ yearas ago. How does one equate hygiene and bathing with s*x ! In fact, I think anyone who has a problem, does NOT have an open mind.



  32. I have a better question! How many mothers with sons 18 and older would bathe them if you had the opportunity to do so? I admit that it is highly unusual for the circumstance to arise, so I am curious if you would without reservations. I don't believe there is anything perverse with it as long as you keep it in perspective.

  33. I have a better question! How many mothers with sons 18 and older would bathe them if you had the opportunity do so? I admit that it is highly unusual for the circunstance to arise so I am curious if you would without reservations. I dont believe there is anything perverse with it as long as you keep it in perspective.

  34. How many mothers are there that still give their 18 or older sons baths or at least check on their hygiene?

  35. Guest22273083

    He maybe young, he maybe your boy but he is still an individual and should be treated with the consideration all adults take for granted.

  36. I still bathe my 18 year old son and will continue until he moves out!

  37. Wow!  It sounds like that mother knows how to take matters in her own hands, so to speak.  I'd hate to be the boy that messes with her.

  38. If your 12 year old son objects to you bathing him, don't argue with him.  I find that a single flick of the finger to his little sack will drive home the message as to who is in control, with the most impact and the least amount of effort on your part.  The boy will not suffer any permanent injry, yet he'll always know you mean business. 

  39. In response to the question whether a mother should stop bathing her 12 year old son if he objects, the answer is no.  You presumably had a good reason to bathe him.  Remember, you're in control here, not your son.  He's still your boy and it is your prerogative to bathe any part of his body you choose to bathe, inclding his genitals.


  40. Guest21636325

    Ur family need a doctor. PLease get ur head examined. Better still u people should be put in front of a judge if at all ur post is a real story.

  41. Heck, I've been bathing my mom.  I'm 15 and she's 32.   I've been doing it since I was

    about 13.  She used to bathe me all the time and decided one day that she would like me

    to bathe her.  She seems to enjoy it alot, and I like making her feel good.  I often get

    errections while I'm doing it but she says not to worry it's just normal.  My 17 year old

    cousing was visiting the other day and he joined us as we bathed each other.  He didn't bathe

    but he helped me bathe my mom.  He told me later he had wondered what her b*****s looked

    like, and now he was happy he had seen them and got to touch them. 

  42. i am mother of 15 yr old, weekly twice i take him bath.

  43. My case might be unusual but i think it makes a general point. i live with my mother, just the two of us. When i was growing up, bathtime wasa favourite time. I'd lie there soaking while we catted, then i'd play with my bath toys, then she' d join in then it was time for me to be washed. I loved it, especially afterwards when she dried me and talc'd  me. Then, when i was nearly 16 i hit puberty. i remained small and pretty hairless but Mummy felt that i now should bath myself. so, i did and hated it. then i broke my arm and leg so needed to be bathed again. but by whom? She offered to ask a man friend but i just KNEW that he would make fun of my little one. So i asked her if she would help me. And, to cut a long story she did and does.

  44. Guest20994684, don't boys object to being bathed around 12? If so, what age do they start objecting? Do you bathe them even if they object?

  45. Definitely older than 12. A boy of that age is still not capable of washing himself properly.5

  46. Recently my 24 years old cousin broke his leg and had surgery done. He was on bed for 3 months during which time my aunt bathed him naked. I am 26 years old and have a elder brother of 29. My mom gave me a bath till I was 19 when i had thick pubic hair. During this time I would be naked. I had to go out for studies for a few years and came back when I was 25. Now I am much conscious about my modesty. But about 3 months ago I saw my 29 years old brother walk completly naked out of the bathroom with a early morning erection. Mother just shouted at him to cover up. We boys dont walk naked in the house but dont mind her seeing us in our birthday suit every now and then.

  47. 15

  48. i have a cousin who is 15 yrs old.his mother still now bathing how. though sheis bathing him inside the bathroom with closed doors, we can hear their conversation inside , as she orders him to remove the underwear..spread yr legs. sit down, bent donw. let me clean your willy ...just pull the skin etc. etc. is quite unusual for those hear from looks as if the boy has no objectioin in doing so.

  49. Quite a few mothers here say they are happy to continue bathing their teenage son as long as he feels comfortable for her to do so. This to me is just a convenient excuse. It's the senior of the two that should make the decision based on what is best for up bringing of her child, which of course is the Mother. If she is honest with herself, I am sure nearly every mother knows what is best for their child.

  50. i was bathed until i moved out at 19. My mom would always give me a bath if both were home at the same time. I enjoyed it. After i got married when I was 23 she told my wife that she always bathed me. They both agree, that most men just soap and rinse and dont scrub. My wife continues to bathe me when she can. We been married 32 years. If she visited she always said she liked knowing i was getting a bath from my wife. She didnt bathe me but did watch while i got my bath

    She bathed our children when they were teenagers. When she bathes me now, she still washes everything especially my bottom. I know that if i have stained underpants, i usually end up with a sore bottom to boot

  51. My mother stopped bathing me when I was twelve, but she continued to come to the bathroom with a towel and a change of underwear for me. I would stand up in the bath, and she would rub me dry with the towel; this continued until I left home to start college, at eighteen.

  52. My mom stopped bathing me as soon as I was old enough to take care of myself; so long ago I don't remember.  When I was 16 she suddenly decided I needed to be bathed, barehanded on my aroused p***s.  That and a few other more minor violations of the respect due to me made her just another woman in my sight...  Your relationship with your son is what you make it, Ladies, and he won't always think like an adolescent.

  53. I don't think 10 or 12 is old enough for a boy to be able to wash himself properly. I think an ideal age would be not before 14, maybe 15 or 16.

  54. I still bath my son, he is nineteen. Perfectly normal, he has a girlfriend who I like a lot. Every Friday with out fail, I bath him. It has become a routine. I am a widow, his father died when he was two. He goes and gets in the bath, calls me when it is full, I go in, wash his hair, legs, feet and back. As when he was young I always paid particular attention to his private parts, if he asks me, I continue with this practice.He is not in any way embarrased, nether am I. I think evil to him who evil thinks. It makes us exceptionally close. I like to think and so does my son,that his girlfriend will have nothing to complain about in the personal cleanliness stakes. I do not m********e him or play with him. Sometimes he gets a little aroused but this is perfectly normal, I just think what a lucky girlfriend she is.

  55. I think 16, the age my older brother was when he left school and mom stopped bathing him. I'm 14, so I expect to be still bathed while I'm still at school, I suppose till I'm 16 too,

  56. I heard a conversation the other day between two 13-14 year old boys.  As usual, the topic of penises came up and the first one admittedly said "Mine is small, at least that what my mom and aunt say." When the second one asked how these ladies know how big his p***s was, the first responded, "My mom and aunt have seen it plenty of times.  My mom sees me in the shower.  Sometimes she bends me over to take my temperature and she sees my balls and d**k hanging.  Once my aunt said she was curious how big mine was, so my mother said, "if you want to know then just take a look."  The strangest thing was he was a normal kid who matter-of-factly talked about his mother and aunt casually looking at (and apparently touching) his adolescent genitals.

  57. i have to say that a mother and son should keep doing it for as long as they both want to ,and if it turns into other things then why not ,i would let my mother wash me and clean my private parts, which she has done many times and i have c*m every time ,so just carry on they are doing no harm to anybody

  58. she should do it to her son for as long as he wants her to do it,

  59. My son is 12 and I still bathe him.  He is uncircumcised and when I began letting him bathe himself he began getting infections on his glans and under his f******n.  He wasn't washing thoroughly enough, even though the doctor and myself showed him how.  Finally I said enough was enough.  I began washing him again, thoroughly cleaning his genitals and under his f******n.  He hasn't had an infection since.  He was a little embarrassed when I first began bathing him again, but he has since gotten used to it.  He hasn't gone through puberty yet, but it shouldn't be a problem when he does.  I'm sure some day he will be mature enough to wash himself.  Until then, I don't mind doing it, and neither does he.

  60. Moms should stop bathing their sons, only when the boys want privacy. Mom knows her sons have a p***s. She also knows about pubic hair and erections. Therefore, if neither mom or sons have a problem with bathing, it should continue.

  61. It seems odd that women would be permitted to touch and show off their sons' penises.  What are the men doing when their sons are being abused like this?

  62. I read about some cultures where it is perfectly normal and acceptable for mothers to play with their son's p***s and make it grow hard.  This starts when they are toddlers and continues sometimes into their early teens (12-14).  It is not unusual for a mother to reach in her boy's pants, tickle his p***s and take it out to show it to her friends and relatives.  Thus, a son's p***s becomes almost like a trophy, and the mother is proud when her boy's p***s stands tall and hard.  Sometimes, a friend or relative will encourage a woman to show off her son's p***s.  Sometimes, a woman will have her daughter take the boy's p***s out to show it off to the others.  A woman without a son will especially be willing to touch her friend's/relative's son's p***s.  It is also not unusual for a woman to ask her son "whose dickies is this?"  to which the boy is expected to respond, "it's your dickie" or "these are your balls, Mom."   Boys really know their place in these cultures.

  63. I can relate to some of the posts on this page.  When I was 9, 10, 11, my stepmother would often make me show her and her friends my p***s.  All it took was one of her friends or a relative to tell her that they want to "see his lttle ding-dong" and that was it.  She would tell me to come over to her and reach in my shorts to take it out.  This would occur with several women and sometimes girls, as well, watching.  Sometimes a lady would reach over and play with it.  I was told to never look at the the lady touching it, but to look up at the ceiling.  The women would look at and touch it.  For years I thought it was normal for a woman to fondle my p***s.

  64. I can relate to some of the posts on this page.  When I was 9, 10, 11, my stepmother would often make me show her and her friends my p***s.  All it took was one of her friends or a relative to tell her that they want to "see his lttle ding-dong" and that was it.  She would tell me to come over to her and reach in my shorts to take it out.  This would occur with several women and sometimes girls, as well, watching.  Sometimes a lady would reach over and play with it.  I was told to never look at the the lady touching it, but to look up at the ceiling.  The women would look at and touch it.  For years I thought it was normal for a woman to fondle my p***s.

  65. I can relate to some of the posts on this page.  When I was 9, 10, 11, my stepmother would often make me show her and her friends my p***s.  All it took was one of her friends or a relative to tell her that they want to "see his lttle ding-dong" and that was it.  She would tell me to come over to her and reach in my shorts to take it out.  This would occur with several women and sometimes girls, as well, watching.  Sometimes a lady would reach over and play with it.  I was told to never look at the the lady touching it, but to look up at the ceiling.  The women would look at and touch it.  For years I thought it was normal for a woman to fondle my p***s.

  66. Have there been any surveys done as to if middle school and high school boys whose mother still bathes them do better in school, are more outgoing, more popular. tend to be more athletic,or have better self-confidence?

  67. one question to all those who said there is no such limit - do you get erections?

    you should NEVER see your son's genitals once he hits puberty and the fact that you perceive it as normal for a mother to "fondle" son genitals clearly shows how arrogant unstable and horrificaly paedophile you all are. you are diminishing a trust and the good name of the word mother and should be ashamed. karma WILL get you and if not karma the afterlife. How would you like it if your fathers fondled your b*****s and v****a as teens? your sons will grow up to be sexually dysfunctional and you will have caused it and they will leave you the second their future wives sniffed it just like I did. I make sure my husband saw in his mother what you are describing and boy did we make her suffer.

  69. Hi Guest19025236,

    That must have been embarrassing having your Mum show your relatives your circumcission, that seems kind a little weird to me. But, I can kinda relate that Mothers can be pretty keen on cleanliness....When I was bathing myself at 12, Mum would often ask afterwards whether I did behind my ears and around my 'winkle'.


  70. I think there is nothing wrong in having their sons naked and bathing them.  My mother used to bath me until I was about 12.  She was concerned about cleanliness.  I was circumcised as a baby.  My mother also showed my circumcision to her relatives.  She often bragged about my circumcision.

  71. This is not a question which can be dictated by the calendar!. If I were being flippant I would say when she was about 90!, but as I am not, then this has to be decided between mother and son, and nobody else. If both are happy for this to continue, and the son is still living with his mother, then there can be no reason why she should not bathe him exactly as she did when he was a small boy if the experience gives pleasure to them both.

  72. (I've now registered so I've now answered this as a user rather than a guest as in the post before this one.)


    I'm from the U.K. and my childhood was between the late 70's and 80's. I don't think their is a magic age for when a Mother stops bathing or supervising the bathing of her sons. I think it should be when the child feels comfortable and capable of doing so.

    From what I can remember I first started bathing myself from around 8/9 although I'd still need help with washing my hair which was done in the bathtub. Once a week Mum washed my hair but afterwards she'd give my face, neck, armpits, front and back a wash using a flannel (washcloth). I was around 11¼ the last time Mum did this as I had recently started secondary school and was young in my year as my birthday is in June. I had no problems with this as we often talked about school and stuff during hairwash/bath sessions plus, I didn't start puberty until I hit 13 so being naked in front of Mum wasn't a problem. In fact I only became shy being naked in front of Mum once I was 15 I think.


  73. Hi,

    My name is David Band, I'm from the U.K. and my childhood was between the late 70's and 80's. I don't think their is a magic age for when a Mother stops bathing or supervising the bathing of her sons. I think it should be when the child feels comfortable and capable of doing so.

    From what I can remember I first started bathing myself from around 8/9 although I'd still need help with washing my hair which was done in the bathtub. Once a week Mum washed my hair but afterwards she'd give my face, neck, armpits, front and back a wash using a flannel (washcloth). I was around 11¼ the last time Mum did this as I had recently started secondary school and was young in my year as my birthday is in June. I had no problems with this as we often talked about school and stuff during hairwash/bath sessions plus, I didn't start puberty until I hit 13 so being naked in front of Mum wasn't a problem. In fact I only became shy being naked in front of Mum once I was 15 I think.


  74. I am the parent of a 17 and 15 yr old boys and I still bathe them about once a week.  They have no problems with it.

  75. What age should a mother stop bathing her sons?  The answer is: at whatever age she decides.  Growing up, my stepmother was a big strong woman.  If I ever told her to stop bathing me or looking in on me, she would have taken me over her lap and spanked me . . . and then she would make me stand naked in front of her anyway.  My p***s became her toy and she would fondle it whenever she wanted.

  76. I am 16 yrs old and my mom still bathes me.  She bathes me 2-3 times a week to see if I'm cleaned properly.

  77. Oh BS..As long as the 12 year old doesnt mind getting a bath from his mother then go ahead mom.. Wash Away!!

  78. This whole post is not really about what age should a mother stop bathing her son, is it? Let's be honest, this is all about Should a mother m********e her son?. The answer is, if both mother and son are happy with this, then go right ahead as there is nothing, simply nothing, more potently fulfilling than any kind of a sexual relationship between a mother and son.

  79. To Guest17469308
    English is not your first language, I presume.  No offense, but I've seen Chinese take-out menus written better.  As far as originality goes, it appears you simply lifted some of the stories below.  Otherwise, good story.

  80. Its all about how close the son with his mom,in my case i'm not so close with my mom though he used to bath me occasionally,but i have two aunts i was very close with them, they bath me regularly until my 12,13 and during they wash me and dry me they love to fondle and pass nice comments about my "Dong", its not nasty its very innocent and loving way! during my young age from 7 to 12 they were some of my neighbor ladies ask me in a nice loving way to show them my "dong" and i used to show them they used to touch and fondle and smile at and pass very nice comments how its cute, really it was nice memory for me..

  81. To To boy Guest 16928232
    I am deeply sorry you had that happen to you, If I had been your Dad I would not have allowed that to happen to you and  your fathers stepmother would have been beaten to a ever loving pulp!!!How a woman could just ignore your modesty and expose you to a little girls for her personal anatomical lesson is beyond comprehension. beyond compassion, beyond anything even remotely MATERNAL. IF I HAD MY WAY I WOU7LD HORSE WHIP HER!!!!  She was no mother but a monster in disguise.

  82. My parents divorced and my father remarried when I was a kid.  Whenever I stayed over my father's/stepmother's house, my stepmother would always come in the bathroom and watch me bathe.  Sometimes she would help with the bath.  This was embarassing, especially as I got older (she still did it up to when I turned 13) and especially as she often let her daughter, my step-sister (who is a couple of years younger than me) watch.  My stepsister would ask her mother questions about boys and then would ask her mother if she could touch, etc.  It was as if I had no say in the matter.  Again, this stopped when I was about 13, but to this day, it still affects me.  What if it was the other way around?  What if my father and I were looking at and touching an older step sister?  I'm sure my father would have gone to jail and I would have been branded a pervert.

  83. I would say that a mother should stop bathing her son when his p***s slaps her in the face.

  84. A close friend of mine in high school was bathed by his mother into his teens. His father was deceased and she had only the one son. I have never seen any mother and son that close and open about s*x and personal things. They regularly went nude in front of each other until he left home. He also slept with her often! I really dont think there was any s*x between them but I sometimes wondered. Several times when I was at their house, she would be semi nude, I must admit,I was turned on by her as she was very fine in the looks department. If he asked her a question about s*x or anything else, she was totaly frank with him. I remember learning about oral s*x from what she had told him.We knew that if she told him about some subject, that it was the straight answer.She is still a close friend of mine to this day.

  85. Guest 16207579
    I have no idea what you are trying to say, yes your ok with it or no.
    The rest of the male posts ( I assume their male) are obviously underage males with fantasy issues-the reality is far from real life situations and the acute damage it does cause ( any child development Professional will back this up) when you intrude and dismiss the modesty of a child. It is getting tiresome reading people defending this-Again: would you subject a daughter to this with her father? Like h**l no!!!!! Wake up, grow up-and do what parents are suppose to do-raise the child with dignity and respect and leave your imagined bonding and selfishness where it belongs-in yur ridiculous fantasy.

  86. Rather than giving a 'technical' explanation about how detremental it is to the child's developemet, is it that hard to digest that assuming the child is not mentally challenged or has a learning disability, and is in fact a fully developed, rational thinking person, it's ok to be bathed once in a while? Age disregarding. I mean 'bathed' as in the dictionary meaning of it, not to be read as 'have his p***s fondled'!

  87. To Guest15870646, did you ever speak with your cousin as to how he felt about the whole thing?  Was he embarassed?  How is he today?  What did your aunt have to say about it?  What does your son say about you washing him? Do you really touch and fondle him down there? Is he embarassed?

  88. I think that the boy that is thriteen should continue to have mom bathe him intill what ever age they both feel is good. Any age. All you moms out there try bathing your older sons. You will both feel closer and you both will be happy with the choice. Even a mom bathing with son well into and pass adult hood is an ok choice.

  89. guest 15912177
    I think you need help also-consent my a*s-a Parent is suppose to help a child grow and be independent,  and any child doctor, cps, and professional will tell you 5 or 6 is the time you get them independent, they are already giving hints-but one has to be a parent to notice.!A child even older ones ,take cues from parents on the merits of right and wrong. A mother taking advantage of her sons under the guise of being a loving mother needs parenting classes and need to see a mental health professional quickly. I guess she can just keep dong it and mess her son up forever, but don't be surprised if you loose him and he never comes back mom-after you had your fun with him didn't you!!!!!!I stick with what I said earlier.

  90. 15870648: that was really sick! That's unacceptable no matter what!
    The point is, if someone is old enough to recognize a caring touch from a paedophilic one, and accepts the bath just for the pleasure of being bathed and pampered by the person who brought him/her into this world, should be allowed to do so. In the end, it's responsibility and the consent of both involved that matters. If u trust yourself in ur mothers hands, and if u know ur son is not asking u to bathe him just to "get off" on his fantasy, then go ahead, enjoy it.

  91. Children (boys and girls) need to learn regarding privacy of their bodies, and everyone, even a parent, should respect that.  It's as simple as that.  After age 5, a boy does not need to have his mother, or anyone else, wash his genitals; he can do it himself.

  92. To Guest 15870648
    Your comment was appalling, disgusting, sick and disturbing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I have no Idea how you became a mother but you should not ever be left alone with kids, let alone have one.Your aunt and her cronies, and you belong in jail.
    But you do bring out a point, women can be pedophiles also and this information is becoming more readily available and it wont be long until sexual of abuse young boys by their mothers, babysitters, and relatives is made available to teachers, Doctors, Care Givers, etc so we can stop this insidious behavior.A recent report was just published on the epidemic proportions of abuse of young males by females and it is shocking to say the least.
    NO wonder we have so many males in our prisons,is there any question why men have so many sexual hangups and are dysfunctional in their relationships?
    Your no mother but a perfect example of a monster in a dress-I feel so sorry for your sona nd of course your cousin.
    I prey they catch you soon.

  93. My son is 11 and I still bathe him occasionally.  As far as modesty and sexual feelings, you should know that throughout the ages, mothers have washed, touched and fondled their boys' penises.  When I was growing up, we visited my aunt's house.  I know on at least a couple of occasions, my aunt had my 12 year old cousin show his "ding-a-ling" to my mother and the other ladies in the house.  If I'm not mistaken, my aunt made my cousin go to each lady so she can touch and see how big his thing was.  The ladies would have a laugh and then my aunt would send him to his room.  It was no big deal for the ladies and it's no big deal for me today.  Let's face it, women have a natural instinct to play with a guy's p***s and boys have a natural instinct to have a woman take over his p***s.  The innocence of a boy makes it that much nicer.  I would never hurt my son, and he knows it.

  94. My mom bathed me along with my two younger brothers until I was about 11, or 12. If any other female saw me naked I would have been embarrassed, but she was my mom and had always seen me naked.  I didn't think it was strange then and I still don't.

  95. I am a 13 year old boy and my mother still bathes me because she says boys cant wash themselves properly and it also gives her the chance to check to see if i am developing properly and she also tells me about s*x.I like it when she touches me and I know she does too.

  96. To those mothers who have blogged about the pleasure they get from bathing their teenage sons,this is really just an "innocent" way of enjoying their son,s sexually,even though they are not prepared to admit it!.

  97. The modesty period came and went, i never allowed anyone to see me after i was 5 or 6, till i was around 20 or 22, ever since then, once in a while when i'm really exhausted or stressed out, it feels nice to be bathed and cared for. I don't see why something should be wrong with that, it's not your neighbor for goodness sake! it's your mother!

  98. SHocked:
    I just read this blog and I cannot believe what I am reading.
    To the mom of the 2 boys, yea I bet you cherish bathing them-you pervert!!!!!
    We have 2 boys , one in cub scouts and one in boy scouts and I asked the parents what age they stopped bathing their sons, guess what, 5 6, and 7 was the max. When I told them what I read they were shocked and agreed that something was definitely wrong!!! I suspect that this mom made sure her sons had no opportunity to be modest and in all probability made fun of them or dismissed them if they showed any inkling to having modesty,-
    Cherished time with naked sons is not a healthy or normal thing mom-you need professional help!!!!Your sons are will prolly need help tooo-yopu certainly are messing up their lives.
    For whoever wrote the blog on the nude swimming thing, I just don't believe you-I grew up in the Midwest and I never , ever heard of anything so ridiculous in my entire life and I have friends my age who grew up in Ohio and Michigan and Wisconsin and they never ever heard of anything like that. I also called the YMCA just because I am curious and they flat denied that ever happened aether. What a liar. I don't know what agenda your pushing man but go write a fairy tale or something and leave your fantasy's elsewhere.  
    If a female coach ever did something like that she would be in jail so fast it would not be finny, that is if she could survive the beating parents would give her first!!!

  99. My identical twin boys are now 14 years of age. There is a very strong, almost telepathic, bond between them which, I am happy to say, includes me.When they were small boys I took great pleasure in bathing them and viewed, with some regret, the time when they would no longer want me to do this for them, which I anticipated would be when they were eight or nine years old. However, this time came and went with no desire on their part to be allowed to bathe themselves and I am delighted to say they remain happy for me to bathe them and even though they are now quite manly and well developed boys they never forget that I am their mother. As a matter of fact, almost the only way that even I can tell them apart is that David has a small scar on his right buttock, caused by a cycling accident some years ago, which his twin John was aware of even though he was not present at the time though no, he did not develope an identical scar!. I am sure many mothers of teenage boys would treasure the special intimacy of bathing them and I hope that my beautiful boys will continue to grant me this special privilege for as long as they live with me, so no, as a previous poster says, there is no should about it.

  100. It was not that long ago in the United States where boys would take swimming lessons or have swimming as part of physical education while being naked. The boys wore nothing but if they jad a female instructor, she would wear a swim suit. This occurred in many parts of the Midwest in the 1960s and in one Ohio YMCA elementary school aged boys would take swim lessons nude with a female instructor with mothers and sisters of all the boys watching. In the 1970s some female locker room attendants saw high school boys naked.

  101. My 2 cents: Its not really if the boy or girl is comfortable, it's what is right or wrong and its really selfish and ignorant for a parent to want to bath their older son or daughter-it's wrong and all of you know it-for those of you persisting in this behavior, it's because your perverse-if you loved your children you would do the right thing and stop such nonsense-think of the child not your own selfish desires!!!!

  102. I'm not sure there is a double standard. A post on another sight from Australia mentioned a single father washing her teenage daughters hair in the tub. In this case it is OK as long as the daughter has no objections. If an older boy likes having his mother still bathe him it is really nobodys business but the mother and son. If the boy is a teenager and is able to bathe himself and his mother does it against his will then it is wrong. There are many older boys in the United States who have no problem with mom seeing them completely naked and if thats how they like it then thats the way it is.

  103. Guest 1530149:
    One more thing-I don't know if  your a male or a female, or live n India or the USA but you completely ignored the double standard.Why is it not ok for girls to be bathed at older ages but ok for boys?
    Don't tell me that females don't have any sexual feelings-their no different than males. There are several new studies that pretty much debunk this maternal myth  women are suppose to have and guess what, child abuse by females is in epidemic proportions and those studying this are not sure what to do because all of the help is geared to male abusers!!!!
    I can assure you that this is just the beginning, it is becoming very apparent that males are not the only abusers and females have always had the privileged of hiding behind the fact that they gave birth so can do no wrong
    It can't come to a head soon enough for me.
    Abuse is abuse, no matter who does it or what you call it.

  104. I sure hope you never become a parent, and you should not be allowed around children under any circumstances. Obviously you do not know what you are talking about-rest assured though I am correct. The specialists and experts all agree modesty kicks in around 4 to 5  and even earlier than that!,and the consensus is  we are suppose to encourage this and instill this in our children, the nudest lifestyle notwithstanding of course.-why do you think we have exhibitionists and other distorted views of sexuality? Yes-it does start at the home and you can bet that this type of behavior is detrimental to the child's welfare-ask anyone in law enforcement!!!!!! I repeat-we must always put a child first, parents the first thing we all know is " Do No Harm!!!" What do you want to bet that If I reported you what would happen top you? So pontificate all you want-the end result is that behavior is wrong, illegal, and harmful to the child.

  105. If it were illegal for mothers to bathe their sons then what is the age it is illegal or name an age and jurisdiction and point to where the law can be found. No law exists as far as I know. CPS or other agencies can not point to an exact law, they can only give an opiniom. What if the boy was sick or had an injury? There is nothing illegal about a mother bathing her sons after he can do it himself and there is nothing wrong with it if BOTH prefer it that way. There is certainly nothing wrong with a teenage boy walking around the house naked if the curtains are drawn and his parents do not object and the same goes for bathing. It is between the mother and her son and if they both like it that way then it is OK.

  106. Guest 15304849:
    And what planet did you come from?
    I have never heard such unadulterated nonsense in mt entire life!!
    I do agree there  exists a double standard though-I cannot fathom where this silliness originates from but males are every bit as modest and in many cases more so than girls and there is no truth to the matter that modesty for boys is non-existent. I can cite tons of references if you wish from Doctors, sociologists, Child Protective services,and other references that will tell you exactly the opposite of what you just stated. and I might add in most countries in the world, including the USA, it is indeed illegal and considered child abuse and parents can looses their children if the authorities find out about such sick perverse behavior. It may be you need to seek professional help-obviously your quite ill.

  107. It is very usual teen boys( not teen girls ) be bathed by mothers, aunts or even babysitters or, at least, supervised in their baths, till 16 to 17 years old, in all countries of the world, The modesty of boys and girls are completely different. There is a double standard of modesty concerning the two genres. Everybody, in the whole world, knows that.Considering that,I think a mother should stop baths her teen son when both or one of them think it is not necessary.
    I just don't understand so much trouble or debate about a such simple question !

  108. Well I can tell you have no idea what you are talking about-try calling CPS, consult any Doctor. This is indeed child abuse. I can cite tons of articles and studies where this is child abuse and detrimental to the child. I don't think you have any idea what is going on. I repeat, what if this was a girl being bathed by her Father? Perhaps if we did that she would be more comfortable being examined by a male Doctor-, your argument is just plain silly.

  109. I know of no law existing anywhere on maximum age a parent of any gender can bathe his or her child of any gender. If both parent and child are comfortable with it, there is nothing wrong it. If a child has always liked the one on one time they have with the parent there should be no reason why it should stop unless the child requests it. Boys could certainly benefit from this special time with either parent and there is nothing sexual or improper about this as long as he does not object. This is NOT pedophelia. Also, if a mom continues to bathe her son he might not feel uncomfortable if he needs to have a sports physical from a female physician.

  110. I am shocked at how many mothers are closet pedophiles!!!!!!
    Imagine Dads making some of these absurd statements!!1 Discounting the sick males responding to this blog, all of you moms should be ashamed!!!!! Your suppose to parent not abuse and yes ladies it is abuse-if the authorities find out about your activity it will be jail city for you-I just hope they catch you and are monitoring this blog!!!!Imagine a Dad saying he thinks it is special and wonderful to be bathing his 12 year old Daughter!!!!!

  111. My son is 12 years old and he is happy for me to continue to bathe him exactly as I did when he was a small boy.I really treasure this innocence in my son[who is certainly no longer small!]and I hope that he will continue to remain content for me to bathe him indefinately!.

  112. I'm still being bathed, quite often, and I'm 25! There's no limit as long as you are comfy! It's a type
    of bonding.

  113. If a mother is lucky enough for her son not to object,then there is no should about it!.A tactile and loving mother/son relationship is a beautiful [but rare ]thing,and bathtime offers the perfect opportunity to any mother who has a compliant son to experiance this.My son is a fine,athletic 18 year old,proud of his body,and he sees no reason to be shy about his mother knowing this and I certainly do not object!.

  114. Everyone's been saying it depends on the age of the son, but i think everyone has it backwards. I think a mother should bathe her son until SHE is too old to do so (probably around 80 or 85), at which point it is the son's responsibility to bathe his mother.

  115. I used to bathe my son everyday till he was 8. After that I bathed him once or twice a week to make sure he was really clean. I stopped bathing him altogether when he was 11. He never complained about me bathing him. I miss those precious times with him.

  116. If bath time between mother and son has always been a time of positive conversation abd sharing most boys would probably want it to continue well after they can properly bathe themselves. Evidence does show that this can form a very special bond between mother and son and he would not feel ashamed to be naked in the presence of his mom.The bath time will make their relationship very close and give both an opportunity to find out how each others day went. The middle or high school boy will always look forward to this precious time with his mom and it would not matter that he is naked. This is much more common in Europe. Mom should look him in the eye will talking to him and make sure she does not stare at his p***s. Bathing can be intimate but NOT sexual.

  117. Common ladies, consider this:
    Would you want a Dad bathing his daughter beyond 5 or 6? Boys are just as modest, just a little more quiet about it-in all probability you dismissed their objection or ignored it because you somehow consider it your right to bath them or ridiculous that they should be modest in front og their mother, if you would not approve of  Dad or Male bathing your daughter then you should not be bathing your sons older than 6-7 max. Some of you who have posted could be arrested for child molestation-you should rethink what you are doing.

  118. As long as both are comfortable with it. If bath time with mom has always been very special and the boy has looked forward to the quality time with mom, there is no reason why it should not continue even well after he can bathe himself. They can use this time to duscuss school or other activities or issues in his life even if he is in high school. I feel I would have been far better off if my mom bathed me through my high school years. Too many boys today are afraid to be seen naked even among thier male peers. Boys should look forward to quality and lobving time with thier mom through bathing whatever thier age. Mom can then dry them off and give them a hug while giving them a pair of pajamas or a clean pair of boxer shorts with a special hug.

  119. mothers shouldnt bathh there sons there father should because of the different genders they could tghough but do it at the age of 20 thats good i sugest but there dads should beause of the same gender the mother could hop in  the bath and then the baby sits on her lap its logical(well what i think)that the mother shouldnt because different private parts because some babys can rember and private parts should be private.

  120. at the age of 8 mother should stop bathing her son but the hot babysitter can do it until she is not hot no more.

  121. Hi There,
    depends of each case. Any way I think sons can't be ashamed to be naked in front of their mothers. My mother used to bath me till the end of my teenage years, about 19 years old. When she couldn't do it,that job was done by an old maid servant who had been my babysitter since my childhood. At that time, I was still uncircumcised and suffered of balanites ( irritation on the p***s head and internal f******n ) and still not operated because my pediatrician thought that to achieve a perfect "low & tight" circumcision, taking off all the f******n ( mainly the internal one, with the langerhans cells ), necessary to resolve my chronic irritation on the k**b, was indispensable the full growth of my p***s around 20 y.o., as was done later on my 19,5 and a half years of age.She or the babysitter used to wash my glans and internal f******n, using a kind of liquid soap and other antiseptics, drying both after, in order to difficult the growth of bacterias.
    Those assisted baths continued till my circumcision at 19,5 of age. My mother didn't have, I suppose, the necessary confidence on me to do that washing perfectly, Any way she was obsessed with cleanness.
    That usage never bothered me at all, even because, as usually, they gave a very good sensation of pain relief, and on the future, she or the same nanny did the same with my younger brother, who suffered of the same problem, till his circumcision several years later, exactly as happened to me.

  122. are all you people crazy, stop bathing them b/w 5 and 7 the rest of you are perverts and should be in front of a judge!!!!!

  123. I've always enjoyed the very special privilege of being allowed by my son to continue to bathe him even though he is now nearly 16.This special intimacy between us brings a close relationship even closer,and I've always believed that a mother has the right to a physical contact with her son just as long as this is kept within bounds,as ours is.

  124. For me I was 11 last time my mom seen me naked. and then I wassn't to happy about it. I did'nt yet start puberty but still I did'nt care for her to see me naked.

  125. It depends of each case. Any way I think sons can't be ashamed to be naked in front of their mothers. My mother used to bath me till the end of my teenage years, about 19 years old. When she couldn't do it,that job was done by an old maid servant who had been my babysitter since my childhood. At that time, I was still uncircumcised and suffered of balanites ( irritation on the p***s head and internal f******n ) and still not operated because my pediatrician thought that to achieve a perfect "low & tight" circumcision, taking off all the f******n ( mainly the internal one, with the langerhans cells ), necessary to resolve my chronic irritation on the k**b, was indispensable the full growth of my p***s around 20 y.o., as was done later on my 19,5 and a half years of age.She or the babysitter used to wash my glans and internal f******n, using a kind of liquid soap and other antiseptics, drying both after, in order to difficult the growth of bacterias.
    Those assisted baths continued till my circumcision at 19,5 of age. My mother didn't have, I suppose, the necessary confidence on me to do that washing perfectly, Any way she was obsessed with cleanness.
    That usage never bothered me at all, even because, as usually, they gave a very good sensation of pain relief, and on the future, she or the same nanny did the same with my younger brother, who suffered of the same problem, till his circumcision several years later, exactly as happened to me.

  126. It depends of each case. Any way I think sons can't be ashamed to be naked in front of their mothers. My mother used to bath me till the end of my teenage years, about 19 years old. When she couldn't do it,that job was done by an old maid servant who had been my babysitter since my childhood. At that time, I was still uncircumcised and suffered of balanites ( irritation on the p***s head and internal f******n ) and still not operated because my pediatrician thought that to achieve a perfect "low & tight" circumcision, taking off all the f******n ( mainly the internal one, with the langerhans cells ), necessary to resolve my chronic irritation on the k**b, was indispensable the full growth of my p***s around 20 y.o., as was done later on my 19,5 and a half years of age.She or the babysitter used to wash my glans and internal f******n, using a kind of liquid soap and other antiseptics, drying both after, in order to difficult the growth of bacterias.
    Those assisted baths continued till my circumcision at 19,5 of age. My mother didn't have, I suppose, the necessary confidence on me to do that washing perfectly, Any way she was obsessed with cleanness.
    That usage never bothered me at all, even because, as usually, they gave a very good sensation of pain relief, and on the future, she or the same nanny did the same with my younger brother, who suffered of the same problem, till his circumcision several years later, exactly as happened to me.

  127. It depends of each case. Any way I think sons can't be ashamed to be naked in front of their mothers. My mother used to bath me till the end of my teenage years, about 19 years old. When she couldn't do it,that job was done by an old maid servant who had been my babysitter since my childhood. At that time, I was still uncircumcised and suffered of balanites ( irritation on the p***s head and internal f******n ) and still not operated because my pediatrician thought that to achieve a perfect "low & tight" circumcision, taking off all the f******n ( mainly the internal one, with the langerhans cells ), necessary to resolve my chronic irritation on the k**b, was indispensable the full growth of my p***s around 20 y.o., as was done later on my 19,5 and a half years of age.She or the babysitter used to wash my glans and internal f******n, using a kind of liquid soap and other antiseptics, drying both after, in order to difficult the growth of bacterias.
    Those assisted baths continued till my circumcision at 19,5 of age. My mother didn't have, I suppose, the necessary confidence on me to do that washing perfectly, Any way she was obsessed with cleanness.
    That usage never bothered me at all, even because, as usually, they gave a very good sensation of pain relief, and on the future, she or the same nanny did the same with my younger brother, who suffered of the same problem, till his circumcision several years later, exactly as happened to me.

  128. It depends of each case. Any way I think sons can't be ashamed to be naked in front of their mothers. My mother used to bath me till the end of my teenage years, about 19 years old. When she couldn't do it,that job was done by an old maid servant who had been my babysitter since my childhood. At that time, I was still uncircumcised and suffered of balanites ( irritation on the p***s head and internal f******n ) and still not operated because my pediatrician thought that to achieve a perfect "low & tight" circumcision, taking off all the f******n ( mainly the internal one, with the langerhans cells ), necessary to resolve my chronic irritation on the k**b, was indispensable the full growth of my p***s around 20 y.o., as was done later on my 19,5 and a half years of age.She or the babysitter used to wash my glans and internal f******n, using a kind of liquid soap and other antiseptics, drying both after, in order to difficult the growth of bacterias.
    Those assisted baths continued till my circumcision at 19,5 of age. My mother didn't have, I suppose, the necessary confidence on me to do that washing perfectly, Any way she was obsessed with cleanness.
    That usage never bothered me at all, even because, as usually, they gave a very good sensation of pain relief, and on the future, she or the same nanny did the same with my younger brother, who suffered of the same problem, till his circumcision several years later, exactly as happened to me.

  129. I think it varies from family to family. Although I started bathing myself form around 8-9 years old, Mum still washed my hair and bathed me once a week until about a month after my 12th birthday. I was okay with that as I didn't start puberty until 13 plus Mum saw me naked loads of times and her seeing me naked in the bathtub was no big deal. Also it depends on the capabilities of the child which means it could be anywhere between the ages of 7 - 12 for boys.


  130. I was 13 when my mother stoped bathing me, I hated when mom washed my p***s, she stoped giving me a bath when I started to get erections.

  131. 10 or 12?!!! He's going to grow up a total wuss. Pull him off the teet.

    He should be able to shower himself no later than kindergarten age.

  132. usually after six- the child,
    should be bathing his or herself.

  133. Boys need to grow up and that means breaking free of their mothers.  If the mother is still bathing her child by age 10, there is something wrong.  Mommy, let your boy go.  The boy might actually LIKE the bath and NEVER be uncomfortable with that special mommy time.  Men, time to STAND UP to your wives and tell them, "Let the boy take care of himself!"

  134. I think as long the both ok with it . It fine

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