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At what age should a mother stop bathing her son? Do you think 10 or may be 12
What age should a mother stop bathing her son?
Report (12) (0) | 7 years, 1 month(s) ago
I think we should acknowledge that moms have sexual feelings towards their sons--its nomal. Playing with their sons p***s, watching it get bigger and hard and then the drool uxin out and turning white as more flows out is a kick for mom and son. Then she can start playing with it and giving herself and her son pleasure--what a joy for both of them especially tthe final sqirt whch gets into mommys face. My mom never took me to o****m and she quit entirely before I was 6. She had large beatiful b*****s but I only got to see them once or twice. How do the rest of you feel?
Report (4) (6) | 9 years, 11 month(s) ago
Some of these conversations are sick. Me myself, I think age 10 should be the cut off age unless the child has an disability and can't bathe himself.
Report (0) (7) | 10 years, 4 month(s) ago
I like the feeling when my parents make me c*m in the bath. My dad fingers my hole to clean it out and he always forces it it I'm 22. It's happened since I was 13
Report (1) (6) | 10 years, 8 month(s) ago
Report (6) (1) | 10 years, 8 month(s) ago
I'm 22 and my mother and father bathe me still. I always got an erection and occasionally they help me out and make me c*m. I think it's normal and will always appreciate the help
Report (1) (0) | 10 years, 9 month(s) ago
my mom baths me every night and when i get a hard on she helps me out it is natural right?
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That's what I call BS.
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My wife and I bathe our younger sons, 6,9,10. Our oldest now 16 has been bathing himself , by choice since he was 11. Last week the 16 y.o. asked me why we were not bathing him. I reminded him that it was his choice on his eleventh birthday.
He wanted me to bathe him. He didn'y want his mom to help because she might see his erection. Your mom knows all about erections, she use to bathe her younger brothers. She also sees mine. She does? Wake up how do you think that you and your brothers got here?
I told him to get in the tuib and that I would be back shortly. I returned nude with an erection so that he could see it. He said that he had never seen any of his friends with an erection. At that point his mom entered and had me get in the tub with the boy. She washed both of us and let us dry each other.
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What about a father bathing his son?
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I am 19 years old and disabled and my mum still showers and washes me
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my grandmother used to bathe me until i was 18, full body in the bath, head to toe. she would play with my shaft and made me c*m more than once. she once let one of her friends feel me up too while my grandmother watched.
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you sick freaks
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From what I've read from my Google hits, Franklin D. Roosevelt's mother bathed him until he was eight.
Correct me if I am wrong. Franklin D. Roosevelt's mother bathe him until he was in his late teens. Also according to his "ma ma" no female , most certainly Anna Eleaner Roosevelt was good enough for he little boy.
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I stopped bathing my son when he was10 he asked me to but when he go to stay with my sister she still baths him and he is 14 now she as told me he never as said any thing to her about stopping like he told me. She told me she washes his p***s and every thing and he gets hard so she knows he likes it
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guest 22531334 is right there is no age to wash you kids so go 4 it an have fun with it good luck
Guest22531334, what country are you from?
Bathing someone is a normal way of showing love for another human being. It base on who does it and the nature of the person. Mother bathing boys or girls, or father bathing dauaghter or son is total normal. There real is no age limited. Like I say it done with repect. Human touch feel good and it cause the child to feel bond more to his or hier parents. The same apply to children who touch each other and bath each other. The openess in the family develop a opennees with the human bedy being something beautiful and we feel a more positive attitude about our self that we do not do thing with our self we should not do. It the mannerness of it. Noex a example of this is that mom bath her son who is 12 is ok and she see him nake does not mean the women or girl next door have the same right with him.
One things families have to be careful with that others unless your child what them to be involved. Example of this is mom bath her son who is 12 but his sister friend is over and his sister and her friend hang out in the bathroom looking apon his naked body and watch his mom wash his body. In lots of cultures women and girls have this ideal they can do as they please with other people children because they are a female and becuase it a nother female who doing thing with children.
Family need not to be doning things when they have company. There is a place for everything. I am a mother of two girls who are 9 and 13 and a son who is 11. We have a very open door in our home and it not uncommon for brother and sisters to be in the bathroom. My son can be in the tub taking a bath. he call for us to come to wash his backside of him. We call for him also when we what to be wash. My 9 year old daughter will take bath with him and my 13 year old daughter will come in to wash both of them. Than she get in the tub and wash her. They do wash each other gentiles. I will be in the tub and I call for one of them to wash me, I enjoyed the touch from my children and they great enjoyed the touch from each other.
We do not do this when we have company in the home. Example one of my daughter has company in the home we do not go into the bathroom to wash him or we do not let any one wash anyone. As a family you much use be concern how others take things.
So you what to ask the question what if one of the kids friends become a ture part of the family yes I will allow openness. Example of this is my children walk around in the nude. Most of the time they do not close doors. There is a bathroom off the kitchen area and when you are sitting at the table you can see into the bathroom. There been time when my daughters or son have company they use the restroom as we do. They do not close doors. Example of this is when my younger daughter has two friends over who are 8 and 10. See in their home they practices the same. Now they do not have a brother like my daughters do. They see my son nude, they see him from the table peeing standing up at the toliet. He see them pee. Sometimes he be in the tub and his sister friend will volunteer to come and wash him. We know as a family that the 8 year old is so with wonders, and curiousity of the boys body. My son knew that. By her washing him give her a very safe way of seeing a boy and touching him. There been times when all the four girls be in there. My oldest daughter who be so good in helping her brother understanding the gemale parts of the body. She been in there with all the other girl girls in helping them to undeerstand the man body and how it works. The two girls next doors wahes his body and his gentiles. They have spend the weekend when their mom was on a trip. They take part in our family be nude. When the two girls take a bath that my son and his youngest sister will wash them.
My children have cousin and they boys and girls. They come to spend a couple of weeks. One famiily has 3 sons who are 10, 13, and 14 years old. It a great time for my kids because my daughters get to see boys of differ ages and see what boys look like. There nothing wrong with nude, or touching someone or washing someone. People need to get off of their sexually minds about eveything be sexually.
The bottom rule is to do it with repect. Now if your son does not what you in the bathroom than you need to repect that. The same rules goes with sisters and other women and girls. Like I say we have this ideal of us female we can do as we please and beauxe another mom is doing it or a sister that we can do the same.
Like I tell my daughters if you what to see brother naked than he has the right to see you naked. There not one side rule. When someone has a double standard rule there is something sexually going on.
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Hi Guest22495573, You shouldnt be embarrassed,she is your mother.. I bathe my son of 19 almost every night and enjoy every relaxing moment that we spend during that time.. Does your mother bathe you every night that you are home on an extended weekend? It is understood and accepted that I bathe my son when I am available to do so. Some nights I work and cannot but when I am home I most definitely bathe him. I am an ultra clean woman..Almost on the verge of being obsessive about it.. I admit that I am, and he knows how I am about hygiene.
Hi Guest22495573, You shouldnt be embarrassed,she is your mother.. I bathe my son of 19 almost every night and enjoy every relaxing moment that we spend during that time.. Does your mother bather every night that you are home on an extended weekend? It is understood and accepted that I bathe my son when I am available to do so. Some nights I work and cannot but when I am home I most definitely bathe him. I am an ultra clean woman..Almost on the verge of being obsessive about it.. I admit that I am, and he knows how I am about hygiene.
Mom's should stop bathing their sons, only if the boys are embarrassed. I was a surprise to my mom and dad, being 18 years younger than my twin brother and sister. As a result, I am almost five years older than my nephew. Both sis and mom bathe me and my nephew together, until he was 10 and I was 14. After that we were bathe separately because the tub was getting to small for us. I am now in college and mom still bathes me when I come home for a long week end. My nephew is now 17 and is still bathe by his mom and my mom. Neither one of us is embarrasses about the ladies bathing us or seeing us with erections.
Guest22475809, your mother and grandmother gets to check you out in the bath. How about your girlfriend, why isn't she joining in? Let me guess, it's because you have not got one. Surprise surprise.
Hi Guest22463960.. I am an 18 year old male and I still get checked and bathed by my mother and grandmother.. I look at it this way.. its fine with me if they want to go through the effort.. All I have to do is stand and kneel while they wash me..I must admit that they do a good job. After they are through washing me I get to soak and relax for a bit..My mom wants to trim my pubic hair because its bushy and sticks out the sides of my briefs and my grandmother agrees..
Guest22463960, my question is why? Didn't they believe that you could be trusted or are you disabled in some way?
I was checked and bathed by mom, aunts or grandmother till 16 or 17. I can't understand a boy, not a girl of course, of any age, to be ashamed of his nakedness in front of so close relatives.
Women, when you were a teenager would you have dated a boy who was still being bathed by his mum? Would you be happy if your daughter dated a boy who was still being bathed by his mum? I think not.
I was an "oops". My Mom had to work, and I was cared for, and bathed by my sister who was 12 years older than I. My sister gave me a complete bath, including my p***s, until I was almost 14. We had no problems. It was ONLY A BATH, not s*x.! Yes, when I became erect, it was simply explained, and move on. We stopped when she married. This was 40+ yearas ago. How does one equate hygiene and bathing with s*x ! In fact, I think anyone who has a problem, does NOT have an open mind.
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I have a better question! How many mothers with sons 18 and older would bathe them if you had the opportunity to do so? I admit that it is highly unusual for the circumstance to arise, so I am curious if you would without reservations. I don't believe there is anything perverse with it as long as you keep it in perspective.
I have a better question! How many mothers with sons 18 and older would bathe them if you had the opportunity do so? I admit that it is highly unusual for the circunstance to arise so I am curious if you would without reservations. I dont believe there is anything perverse with it as long as you keep it in perspective.
How many mothers are there that still give their 18 or older sons baths or at least check on their hygiene?
He maybe young, he maybe your boy but he is still an individual and should be treated with the consideration all adults take for granted.
I still bathe my 18 year old son and will continue until he moves out!
Wow! It sounds like that mother knows how to take matters in her own hands, so to speak. I'd hate to be the boy that messes with her.
If your 12 year old son objects to you bathing him, don't argue with him. I find that a single flick of the finger to his little sack will drive home the message as to who is in control, with the most impact and the least amount of effort on your part. The boy will not suffer any permanent injry, yet he'll always know you mean business.
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In response to the question whether a mother should stop bathing her 12 year old son if he objects, the answer is no. You presumably had a good reason to bathe him. Remember, you're in control here, not your son. He's still your boy and it is your prerogative to bathe any part of his body you choose to bathe, inclding his genitals.
Ur family need a doctor. PLease get ur head examined. Better still u people should be put in front of a judge if at all ur post is a real story.
Heck, I've been bathing my mom. I'm 15 and she's 32. I've been doing it since I was
about 13. She used to bathe me all the time and decided one day that she would like me
to bathe her. She seems to enjoy it alot, and I like making her feel good. I often get
errections while I'm doing it but she says not to worry it's just normal. My 17 year old
cousing was visiting the other day and he joined us as we bathed each other. He didn't bathe
but he helped me bathe my mom. He told me later he had wondered what her b*****s looked
like, and now he was happy he had seen them and got to touch them.
i am mother of 15 yr old, weekly twice i take him bath.
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Latest activity: 7 years, 1 month(s) ago. This question has 134 answers.