
What age should i give my 11year old have a cellphone?

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all of her friends have one but is it nesasery




  1. I just got my daughter a cell phone.  She'll be 11 in a month.  All her friends have one and she begged all school year.  Her grades have really been good and there have been a few times it would of been nice if I could have contacted her when i couldn't (out playing w/ a friend or at a saturday theater practice at school when the ending time was undetermined..she was able to call me when she was done and ready to be picked up.)  It's been about a month now that she's had it.  she's already had it taken away a couple times for a day or two for a bad grade on a test or not listening to me.  i think over all it is a good idea.  though i have to keep a close eye on it.  when we are home that phone has to be up on the kitchen counter on the charger and she isn't to use it w/out asking.  i dont want her sitting in her room texting her friends for totally stupid reasons when they could just get on the house phone and have a conversation.  i am finding that the girls this age think its much cooler to text then to even use the phone as a phone.  i would also suggest unlimited texting because you do not want to have to be bothered w/ monitoring the # of text messages.  my daughter also knows i monitor the phone regularly.  no text messages are allowed to be deleted except by me.  also beware that having the ability to text her friends there is more opportunity for the girls to get catty w/ eachother.  alot of gossip can happen on a cell phone through text messaging as with an email acct.  she can get herself into trouble.  its easy for them to be bold in a text message than to say something to each other in person...okay...obviously i have an opinion on this subject!  hope i gave you at least a little bit of something that was informative to you!

  2. I got one at ten that's because we have TONS of sexual predators around us so my mom got me one! but if its just a girl and you have no use for it dint get it!

  3. well it depends, i think that if you dont see her when she goes to her  friends and she is out a lot then she should definatly have a cell phone!

  4. Some providers offer a service by which the child can only call home or 911.

    That is all I would give an 11 yr old.  Gabbing with the friends can happen on the phone at home in the LIVING ROOM where a parent can keep tabs on the kid's life.

  5. When they understand the cost of going over their minutes and it's ok with you.


  7. does she really need to do whatever her friends do???   you're the parent -make the decision yourself.

  8. I got mine at the age of 11.  I dont think it would make a difference now matureity wise.  But explain to her the costs to upkeep them.  I got mine when i was 9 and loved it.  The only bad thing was i experimented and ran up a bill.  Just by buying those ringtone scam things.  But likewise i was 9 and your daughter is 11.  Just explain to her the responsibiltites of owning one.  

    Good luck

  9. I gave my daughter a phone for her 12th birthday because a ton of kids at her school had one and she had been asking for one for a couple of years.  She doesn't use it as much as she thought she would.  She only brings it with her to places where she goes by herself, like to the movies or over to her friends house.

  10. It is not necessary at all, just because everyone else has one doesn't make it that way. Tell her she can get a cell phone when she can pay for it. It is tough times for alot of families out there and an extra cell phone is not going to help.

    Safety issues? There are none, if you didn't need one before to keep track of her, you certainly don't need one now.

  11. My sister is 10, and she has a cell phone. It is easy for my mom then know when to pick her up from things, and stuff like that.  My youngest sister is 7, and she has one but can only call like 5 people or something. I would get one for him.

  12. If they are mature enough to use a cell phone and be respnsible, help them understand the cost and obligations. Value of time and money can be taught if your child can earn the money to pay for the cell phone and manage the minutes of time on the cell plan.

  13. If she's out a lot without you, than she should have one.

    But only one of the ones that you can restrict who is called, and can't accept incoming calls except for some certain numbers.  Just as a safety measure incase anything were to happen.

    Here's a link to the type that I mean:

  14. When she can pay her own bill.

  15. My daughter got one when she started middle school, because she played after-school sports, and often had "away games."   She would call me when the bus was returning from the game, and I could be at school to pick her up right on time, without having to wait around in the parking lot for a long time.  Since I have two other children, this was a huge help in managing my time.

    My daughter has been very responsible with her phone.  She never went over her allotted minutes, and very rarely used her phone to chat with her friends.   I think most kids in this situation are ready for a phone.

  16. no dont give her a cell phone yet

    check on how she is donig in school

    and does she really deserve it?

    idk ask ur self

    plus just bcuzz her friends haveit

    doesnot mean she has 2 have it!!

    "be a leader not a follower"

  17. Thirteen to fourteen years old, maybe?

    Depending on the circumstances...

  18. When she needs one.

    Is she ever going to be in the situation of needing, or maybe needing, to call you, beyond (for instance) just going back into school and saying "help, I missed my bus"?

    If so, it's time. Buy her a cheap prepaid one, put a small amount of money on it, and show her how you can see every call she has made on the internet. She does not need it as a social accessory at eleven - and if that's why she wants it, then she's not old enough to have one.

    It will not make her safe. If anyone grabs her, the first thing they do will take the phone away. Never assume that having a phone makes your child safer from predators - IT DOES NOT.

  19. I gave my daughter one when she turned 13.  They really don't need one any earlier and they will just run up an outrageous phone bill.

  20. you shouldn't give them anything!  Make them earn it.  If they want a cell phone make them do a bunch of chores to pay for the bill.  Giving something away creates entitlement.

  21. I personally vvouldnt, I dont think at that age they are mature enough for a cellphone, I mean really vvhy at that age vvould they need one? vvhat if she handed her number out to a complete stranger or someone called her number by accident and it vvas some pervert and she didnt knovv hovv to handle the phone call and gave him information she shouldnt. Its kind of like the interenet, it can end up to be a disaster. My neighbor gave her daughter a cellphone at 11 and she took it avvay because her dr had text this thing she say on tv about finding singles in your area and found out her 11 year old daughter vvas texting a 30year old man! Its just not a good idea, vvait until they are older and more mature to handle a phone of there ovvn.

  22. I think you should get her one right now acutally.

    whenever your daughter is in trouble or really needs you she will always have her cell phone with her to call you and tell you whats up. You can always check in on her to see if shes okay and everything. If your worried about a texting bill or something then you can just buy minutes so she doesn't go over.

  23. I gave my son a cell phone at the age of 6.  He rides the bus and goes to a babysitters house while I am at work.   I feel better knowing he has it.

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