
What age should you let your child dye their hair?

by Guest45358  |  earlier

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Or highlight their hair, I am thirteen and ever since I was ten most people had their hair colored. My mom thinks there parents are crazy, what age would you let your child?




  1. I started getting my hair dyed when i was 13, but i don't recommend it. My hair has been though a lot of unnecessary damage. If you do get it dyed go to a professional and be sure to use color treatment shampoo and conditioner. The salon kind, not the c**p at WalMart.

    Also, if you are going to use ANY form of heat application (blow dryer, straightener, etc) I HIGHLY recommend you use some kind of product to protect your hair from damage.

    i would listen to your mother. She knows what she's talking about. Maybe you could talk her into getting you wash out dye? I know Loreal has some mousse dye you can get at drugstores that lasts 3-6 weeks.

  2. I first dyed my hair when I was about..hmm 12..

    I regret it badly!!

    it made my hair more frizzy and rough...and its hard to get your natural hair back.

    i'd say about the age of 14 or 15..Its my op. though..

    If you wanna dye it go for it..its your hair.

    Try semi-permenent for the first time..Not that it makes much difference..

  3. As long as it wasn't a ridiculous colour like green, I see no problem with it.

  4. fourteens good, who knows if you'll still want to do it by then..

    that's how i am i become obsessed over something and then four or five months later its not such a big deal its dunzo

    hope i helped.


  5. I think 13 is a good age.It's just hair and it will fade eventually!

  6. I am a hair dresser and I dont take clients under the age of 12 for chemical services. You have to be very carefull with the chemicals that we use, At a younger age your are more likley to be sensitive to products. Try a new style like the edgy Aline Bob, they are totally the new rage.

  7. 18 and yes it can make your hair gray if done to much

  8. Yea it really is bad for your hair.  But if you use the right type of conditioner you will be ok.  But I feel you should really be like 16.  I say that cuz it really makes you look older.  and wen you look older trouble starts.  Please make the right choose

  9. For highlights I would say 10-13 for a full color 15. Coloring your hair is damaging and  you have to keep it up every month because your roots come in and it looks unattractive.

  10. 14

  11. I would let them start at like 11

  12. in some cases its bad

    but id let my child at about.. 13

    (atleast theyre in their teens.. their choice and problem)

    i started dying mine at 14

    .. so

    and my hairs fine


  13. 13 its bad for your hair and you will never get your same color back if u dye it

  14. I got my hair first highlighted when i was eight yeah eight... Well My mom does hair for a living so it was free and could get it as much as i wanted I'm 13 now and i got my 3rd portion of highlights in march. And i love them and so did my friends at school.

  15. I think it's up to your parents. I personally would say probably like 14 or 15. See if your Mom will let you get the stuff that washes out in 6-8 shampoos. It's not that exciting i know, but it's a start!

  16. im 13 and my mom said that if i ever die my hair, as long as i live under her roof, she will shave all my hair off...not joking!

  17. i started dying my hair at 11. i wish i hadn't though. i have regreted it ever since i did it! it is bad for your hair. mine is pretty much dead now because i dyed it waaaaay too much. i was platinum blonde and i dyed my hair brown. it was really hard to get back to my sum-what natural color. and i would never let my children dye their hair!!!

  18. 14 or 15.

    But no crazy colors like pink or purple.

    But highlights and a couple of shades lighter or dark.


  19. 18  when they are out and on their own,and not before.

  20. i got my hair glazed for the first time in 4th grade. once in 4th nd once in 5th.

    highlighted in 6th and 7th

    and in 8th highlighted,colored,highlited/colored.

    and im 13 too btw

    most ppl say its bad for ur hair but my hair is soft and thick still. i dont like highlite it every month. and i have some from the sun also.

    ps all the things i have done to my hair have been ,my moms idea.

  21. that's exactly what my mom says.

    and it's super annoying.

    i don't see a problem with it at any age,

    as long as you don't do it too much.

  22. my mom gav me highlites (dey were her idea lol) wen i was 10 lol n i jus got dese rely cute lite brwn ones in im 13 now

    so i think like 10-12 n up

  23. **** thattttttttt! every one who thinks 18 is dumb, i dyed my hair and i didnt come home for dayssssss so my mom didnt have to see it. hahahahaha thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard. as long as they dont ask you for money for it let them do it! encourage them!

  24. I got my hair dyed at 12.

    And it's highlighted purple right now.

    and I'm 13,

  25. Yes, it's about medium damage

    I would say about 13-14.

  26. I dont understand why people arent happy with their hair. I would do the first highlights on the wedding day and color long after that. You wouldnt want your kids to be bald!

  27. I would say 13 or 14 is a good age.

  28. i personally would not let my child dye his or her hair because it looks trashy.

  29. It is very bad for your hair!!! But 13 should be okay. Thats when I got highlights. I ended up redying my hair to get them out because your hair grows out and they start to look UGLY!

    So yeah, if you want to, you should do it!

  30. As long as it looks natural, then I think basically 11 and up is ok. I'm not a parent, but if I was I'd let my child experiment a little bit with appearance, like hair and clothes and such but nothing extreme

    I'd say get highlights or something like that though. Subtle is best and otherwise you can have icky roots and all that. Not to mention it's easier to fix if you mess up or something.

  31. im 13 and i got highlights when i was 12 .. my mom doesnt let me full dye my hair she says that she would have to be  dead frist .. hehe

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