
What age should you stop breastfeeding? I ask because?

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my sister is still breastfeeding my 3 year old niece who is potty trained and can talk better than most. I almost threw up when she ran up to my sister and said Mommy BOOB I want BOOB I was seriously disgusted. Now I breastfeed to about three months but why is it soo necessary to continue up into toddler years So not right I read somewhere where a lady breastfeed her sons up until age 8 years seems a little sick and twisted to me I refuse to let my sons see me naked after age of 4 or 5, I don't care what the doc says there should be a cut off a child of 4 or 5 should not still suck on their mothers ****!




  1. im breastfeeding my little one and will continue until shes a year then im going to start introducing cows milk, yes i think anything after the age of 1 1/2 is too old

  2. I can understand breast feeding for a year or so but I personally cant stand watching toddlers breastfeeding.  A friend of mine did it and when you hear a 3 yr old asking for b***s, there is something quite sickening to it!! Thats my opinion anyway.

  3. The longest i think would be the same as the cut off for formula feeding.. A year old. I know what you mean my sister still breastfeeds her little girl and she is almost 3...That is way too old. Her kid will say boob and she will climb up in my sisters lap, pull her shirt up and then pull her boob out, suck for a while and then when she is done she puts her boob back in and pulls my sisters shirt back down, if she can so all this she needs to stop....But my sister says you just can't make them stop . yes you can.

  4. I personally went until my daughter was a year old. Wanted to go maybe to two years, but didn't. i think 2 is a good age.

  5. well when a baby starts walking and drinking from a sippy cup then to me it's time to stop. Yes your sister needs to stop that asap, it's just like giving the kid a binki at age 2+ it's bad for their teeth. She can pump milk for her and put it in a cup but don't let her nurse that's just not right.  

    I don't know what the doc's say about this but that's just crazy to me a kid that can walk talk and is potty trained needs to be off the breast about 6 months to a year ago.

  6. Well, from what I've read/heard/seen most women cut of the breastfeeding at 1 yr. And not many people do it anymore at all past a month or so. Maybe shes determined to have the healthiest child in the world??

  7. I think if they can start asking for it by name it's time to stop.

  8. I quit when my boys got teeth. I was sick of being bit. But the cut off should be a year. At that age they are supposed to switch to cows milk. Anything after 2 I think if considered child abuse. It's just wrong. They don't need it at that age.

  9. At least by 2.  My daughter self weaned herself at 10 1/2 months.  I was sad, but she told me she was done and that was that.  For the child to be able to call it by name and get it out is a little much for me.  If they still insist on bf at that age, maybe they should only do it at night when they're going to bed or something.  I am not against breastfeeding by any means, but after age 2, it's time to drink regular milk.

  10. Good lord, lighten up.

    Most children self wean at about age 4/5.

    It is not disgusting. It is healthy and beneficial whatever the age.

    Why are you so worried about your sons seeing you naked after a shower or something?

    Being naked is how you were born, there's nothing wrong with the human body, nothing to be ashamed about.

    I'm not a nudist, but if I get out of the shower and have forgotten a towel I'll go and get one. Naked. At the moment my daughter is 18 weeks, but i'll do this whenever. Because there's nothing wrong with it.

    You really can't differentiate between nakedness and s*x can you, that really is sad for you.

    BF is always beneficial, and as long as the child is encouraging it, I really honestly don't see the problem.

  11. I share your views on this. It is disgusting to be breastfeeding a toddler this age. I gave up at 9 months - it wouldn't have felt natural beyond that.

  12. I think three is too old but if your sister is happy doing it then i guess you would just have to leave her to it. As for children seeing you naked, I think it depends on the circumstances. If they were to walk into my room whilst i was getting undressed i wouldn't cover up. I think it encourages them to be comfortable in their own skin.

  13. I had wanted to breast feed my daughter for 6 months to a year.  Unfortunately, I had to return to work after 7 weeks due to the financial needs of our family.  I thought I could still breast feed in the mornings and evenings and pump at work.  My milk dried up within a week of returning to work.

    As far as how old is too old, I definately think that a child who can say "I'm thirsty.  I want some milk"  is TOO OLD!  We had friends whose son would say this exact thing.  He was nearly 4 when his mom finally weened him from the breast.  To this day he is coudled by his mother and doesn't want to move out on his own.  He is well over 20 years old.

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