
What age should youstart?

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shopping around 4 life insurance?




  1. As soon as possible, it is less expensive when your younger because most young people have fewer health problems.

  2. You definitely want to have something if/when you get married and/or have kids.  You want to be sure they are financially protected should something happen to you.

  3. You personally can get it at age of majority.  You only NEED it if someone will be financially hindered by your death.  Spouse, kids, parents, roommate.  Creditors can only claim the estate.  Some laws however do allow certain debts to be paid by living relatives.


    You also do not NEED insurance your entire life.  If your debts are paid, there is enough money to bury you, and nobody is dependent on you for income, there is no need for it.

    Don't let an agent fool you into a whole life policy when it is not needed.  Those policies have been labeled by many groups, governments, independent consumer groups, etc. as complete wastes of money for the vast majority of people.

  4. It is good to have life insurance all your life, from a child on. I have had my own life insurance policy that I pay for since I was 18. I think it is important for the people that I care about to have the money available to pay for my funeral and burial.  I also want to make sure no one is budened with my debt, etc. I also get one through my employer.

  5. Same age you should start shopping around for a circular saw.  

    It's a tool.  FIRST define the need, THEN find the tool.

  6. Early 20s.

  7. If you owe money to anyone you should have life insurance. Because, even if you are single with no children, if you leave behind $50k in debt, the creditors will harrass the executor of your estate, your parents, your siblings, and anyone else they can find to try to get their money.

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