
What age to most young people begin travelling solo?

by  |  earlier

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And in your opinion, what do you feel is an age where a person becomes able to handle most situations thrown at them and has the maturity and experience to be able to work out when they're in a dangerous area or situation and get out of it?





  1. That's so difficult to say. I took my first solo trip when I was 15. I went from New Jersey to Florida for three weeks. I was wild and stupid back then.

    I have a teenage son who's 16 and way mature beyond his years and I don't think I would let him do the same thing if he wanted to.

    As I remember there were many times I just missed getting killed, maimed, beaten-up or buggered.  Often in life you only realize after the fact that you were in over your head and it was only by the grace of God the worse didn't happen.

    So 16 maybe and it would depend on where and how long.

  2. I  think that most people begin traveling solo once they graduate from high school and are ready to go to college or get a job.  At this age, they are ready to go out and live on their own and one of the things associated with this is traveling on their own.  In most cases, people are around 18 at this time.

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