
What age would you allow your child to use a lighter or light matches without your supervision?

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What age would you leave your child unattended with a lighter/matches present/in the open or in the same room as they are?




  1. I'm with everyone else, I say between 12-14 unsupervised depending on the maturity level.

    My daughter is 8 years old and I let her light the dinner candles with my lighter if I am standing right there. But, she is very intelligent and we have had hundreds of talks regarding fire and safety issues. She knows 100% that she is not to touch lighters, matches, the stove, etc. unless she has my permission and supervision. I talked with her about this after her Aunt (my younger sister who is 11) burnt my father's house down after leaving candles unattended.

    My daughter does realize what devastation fire can cause and she also knows the routine to follow if there is a fire. We have practiced our "fire drill" many times.

    I wouldn't let her light the dinner candles unless I thought she was mature enough and ready to handle the responsibility. I feel like she is ready now under my supervision. Besides, she enjoys helping out and it shows her that I do trust that she knows how to handle certain situations.

    But, I wouldn't let a child handle lighter/matches unattended until they were a bit older. Mostly due to the fact that children tend to be clumsy and could lose their cool in a panic.

  2. 10 is too young.  I was 12 when I almost accidentally burned down the neighborhood (oops!).

  3. I would say about 12...just when they are old enough to understand exactly what could happen when they light it,and all the possiblilities of harm to themselves and other and property that can happen also.

  4. It depends on the child but always over the age of twelve .

  5. uhh never.... when they are 18 not living under my roof and promise they aren't smoking!!!

  6. 18, never? Can I get away with that, lol? I'd guess around 12, possibly. It really depends on their maturity and that I'm comfortable enough to trust them with it. My 10 year old is a great kid, but I'm not sure she'd handle things correctly if a small fire broke out. She'd prolly panic instead of trying to put it out. I'd not leave my kids with it in reaching height until I knew they could handle an accident that could occur. I mean, seriously, kids are curious. I bet eventually they'd light one up just to see.

  7. when ever I feel I can trust them with fire... I wouldn't trust some adults, but I trust some 11 year olds.

  8. 10

  9. 12

  10. I'd say 14. By then they have a good concept of cause and effect, and can exert more discipline/self control. I remember lighing candles in my room at that age, and always was careful to make sure nothing around them was flamable. I'm paranoid about that kind of stuff. So I'd say somewhere around 14 or so. Depends on how aware and cautious they were, and why they needed the lighter or matches.

  11. Excellent question. I think 10 under my supervision and I'd re-visit the issue at 12 and again at 14. Somehow anything under 14 is making me jumpy.

  12. 2 I'de think

  13. not until they are old enough to fully understand the terrible consequences of playing w/ them! i would say not until they are 10 or older!

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