
What age would you allow your children?

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What age would you allow your children to view "The Passion of the Christ"?

I would say once they became a teenager. It's such a power depiction of the death of Christ and what He suffered for our salvation, but it's still too graphic for any young child. Opinions?




  1. It depends on the child's maturity. I believe that a child who is 13 or older and acts mature for their age and doesn't mind "scary" movies should be able to view the movie.  

  2. My 13 year old saw it when she was 11. We explained what is was about before and then discussed everything she saw after. She didn't have any nightmares. I think that was the right age for her. You will know when your children are mature enough to watch it. Wait for the right time.

  3. I think that movie is too disturbing to watch at any age. I would never show it to anyone.  

  4. Whenever they want to.  Yeah, it's graphic, but it's how it would have happened.  If you feel your child can take it, let him/her see it.  

  5. i dont think that showing your kids a hollywood film accurately depicts the whys and whens of His crucifixion.

    teach them the bible.

    explain the reading ins terms that they can understand.

    relate it to their everday life.

    if in their teens they decide they want to watch it then fine, but i think its a particulary gruesome film.

    id rather teach my child that He died to save us and he died for our sins - not a special effects seen with fake blood and actors.

  6. It would depend on what else they have been watching on tv and the maturity of the child.

    Only you can make that decision.

  7. Definitely not until they are at least 13 or 14. The movie is VERY graphic. My aunt and uncle insisted on showing it to their 5 year old son (whose name is Christian) and he had nightmares for months about it. One time I was babysitting and he woke up in tears because "They're coming. The Romans are coming to kill me because my name is Christian! Help me!"

  8. My son was about 13 when we saw it. I knew it was graphic, but I wanted him to see what Jesus went through for us.

  9. It is rated R, and therefore I would not allow my children to ever view it.  They can choose for themselves once they are 18 and out of my house.  We don't view R-rated movies for any reason.  If Mel Gibson had wanted my support, he would have toned it down and made it less graphic.  There are numerous films that aptly depict Christ's suffering without going overboard, which is what must have happened with "Passion" for it to be rated R.  I never saw it, but that is why I didn't.

  10. I would suggest waiting until they were in their teens and until they understand the story of how Jesus died minus the gory images.

  11. My child would have to decide that for herself when she is an adult.

    I saw the film and found it to be anti-semitic and homo-erotic.

    I would be sure that my child had learned about the thousands of people murdered because passion plays:

    All the best.

  12. I think the teenage years would be a good age.   My kids were actually 10 and 12 but I knew that they were ready to handle it.   They didn't have nightmares and we discussed the movie before and after we saw it.    

  13. I think it depends on how mature that they are. I am fourteen now, and I watched it the second week that it was in theaters. I was very mature and could understand what was happening, but I think that it all depends on how mature your children are.

  14. I agree with Ginny W,

    I have watched the film on DVD with my hubby and although I was deeply disturbed and yet moved by the horror of what I saw, when you put it into context, that's probably exactly how it would have happened and some people may have been de-sensitised over the years by film-makers 'dumbing-down' the reality of Jesus' life and Crucifixion.

    I think we cannot wrap our children in cotton wool forever and when we feel they are mature enough, they should be allowed to watch this film.

  15. I would wait until they are atleast 11 or even when they ask to watch it....when you think they can actually understand the story of christ & the film, If they begin to feel uncomfortable with any of the scenes switch it off & let them watch it at a later date. I remember when I first watched the "Magdalene sisters" when I was 16, watching the horror & injustice that those Irish girls went through at the hands of the church & their own parents not so long ago was bad enough, but when the nuns started cutting one of the girls hair off & getting blood everywhere..that just tipped me over the edge. I immediately switched the movie off & I started crying...BUT that was a brilliant movie & I had to see what happened to those girls in the end, so I watched the movie in full the next day when I was ready, and It's one of my favourite movies I think I've watched it atleast 5 times.

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