
What age would you expect a child to grow out of having nightmares over movies and tv shows they see?

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What age would you expect them to stop waking up and getting into bed with their parents because of dreams?




  1. i am 23 and still get nightmares over scary movies.. it just depends if they can handle them or not.

  2. just depends on the person. im 20 and still may have a dream about a scary movie i saw right before be. it doesnt scare me, iy just happens.

  3. Cripes!  I'm 60 & still have the occasional nightmare!

    Quit showing your little ones scary movies and TV!

    Maybe 75 is the age to not be scared of dreams!

    You people are so COLD!  (Not to want a little one to climb in bed with you because of a bad dream!  Papaw & I would PAY for that opportunity!!!)

  4. it sometimes doesnt stop.

    it depends on the person. some ppl i know are still

    scared of scary movies and shows and they are fourteen

    and older. they hate scary movies.

  5. I'd say about the age you stop letting the kid see scary movies or tv shows.  Keep it G rated until about 7 years of age, I'd say.  Sensitive kids need to have their viewing restricted, even if it's against their will... My sister saw PARTS of Jurassic Park when she was 6 yrs old (she's 21 now), and she had nightmares for months.

    I watched Donnie Darko in the theater at age 25, and it screwed up my dreams for years...

  6. some people never have them.some people never grow out of them, and everything  in between......depends on the person.

    you tell em mary :0)   I dont allow my kids to watch scary movies (movies are rated because SOME parents dont have the sense God gave a goose.) but i find it right cozy knowing they want to come to mommy and daddy immediately when something scares them, we just snuggle in and snooze right along lol.

  7. I'm 43 & I still have nightmares when something scary happens during the day.  

    Dreams are your subconscious dealing with things that are on your mind.  It's not really something you can 'grow out of'.  

    As for coming to their parents bed, that's really between the parent & the child.  If a parent wants to help a child learn how to deal with their fear on their own, then they can try to teach them that in a variety of ways - modelling, role play, brainstorming self-soothing techniques then helping the child implement them, etc.

  8. I am in my forties and I am careful what I watch because it will find itself into my nightmares!Some people are just sensitive. If this is happening to your child, I would restrict their viewing until they are around 13 and demand watching it. My son is 13, and if he watches something gross with my older son, he will still show up in my bed late at night...sleep walks!

  9. I'm 40 and still cannot watch 'Jaws' without having nightmares. Go figure.

  10. Honestly, it depends on the child, people are all different it depends when they get to a certain maturity level,

    it could be when their 6 or it could be when their 11 or 12. The only thing that you can do is tell them that their isn't any monsters in their closet or under their bed, and be patient.

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