
What age would you leave your baby with someone else?

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And for how long?




  1. With my mom I am ok very early on but with everyone else they would be much older.  I know the first time my mom watched my first son he was about 3 weeks old but nobody else watched him until he was more like 6 months and then only for 1-2 hrs while his father and I would go out for some "date night" time.  

  2. I moved out of the state when my son was almost a month old. (My husband is int he military) So I was home all day and all night with a newborn..I felt like I had cabin fever! I made a lot of close friends on base, one in peticular. She is married and has two children of her own ( 6 and 2) She has been my savior being here. My son is now seven months old and we have had six months to get to know each other and become best friends. In this last month we have traded off babysitting. I have no family to look to for help. If i need to run an errand or have a date with my husband she is there. I think if you trust the person you need to go for it. You have to have some time to yourself or youll go crazy!!!!

  3. My son was 5 weeks when I left him the first time.His daddy talked me into it even though I knew I wasn't ready.I did it anyways & regretted it ever since because of all the trouble it caused.Everyone got upset that they weren't the first to keep him & started a bunch of stupid drama(My sister got to keep him first).After that,I decided he didn't need to be left with anyone.Now he is 5 months and hasn't been left with anyone else but his dad once or twice when I ran to the store.I am starting to consider letting his grandparents keep him but I am still unsure since they were so stupid about not getting to the first time.I doubt I will yet.They all think I am too clingy to him but that's ok :)..Baby needs mommy more than anyone else anyways.And the only people he will be left with will be close (and I stress close) family.

  4. It really depends on how comfortable you are leaving your child with someone else.

    When my oldest was born I had lived with my mom so I never had a problem leaving him with her. When he was two weeks old I moved out and she kept him for the weekend so that I could move..I completely trust my mom so it was never a problem for me.

    As for my oldest daughter She was two weeks old when she went to daycare. I had postpartum depression and had to get out so I went back to work part time and she went to day care few hours each day.. I trust my babysitter completely and she had already been watching my oldest for four years when she came .

    Now my youngest was closer to about two months old before I left her with anyone but her dad. I don't know why I just did not feel the need to leave her with anyone else until her dad and I need time to ourselves..

  5. It depends who someone else is.

  6. My son is 3 months and the only person I have left him with is his dad and it was never more then a few hrs. Just not ready to leave him yet. But maybe in a few months.

  7. I leave my 9 month old with my mom.  I feel completely fine with him with her because she follows my wished to a tee and is very protective if him.  I also leave him with my MIL but feel much less confident.  I think she is ok with him but not sure if she would be as diligent with following my wishes if she thought something should be done differently.  I let her watch him under stricter circumstances. My husband insists she occasionally get to watch him.  I think she has watched him 4 times now.  Fortunately my mom live a couple miles away and MIL is 40 minutes away.  

    Noone else besides my hubby and i have ever watched him.  

  8. Totally depends. I still haven't and my daughter is nearly a year old.

  9. only  ever with family, and haven't left her yet with anyone but dad and she's almost 3 mos...

  10. My bubs is just going on three months and Im starting to think it might be nice to leave her with her grandma so I can have an evening out....but maybe in another month or two i will actually get around to it. Im a clingy mum!

    And my evening out will only be to go out and have dinner with my partner and watch a movie so I would say three hours would be long enough. I know Im going to be so anxious the whole time too. Im a first time Mum incase that isnt obvious haha

  11. I think that this is a matter of personal preference.I kept my sisters children when they were less than a week old but they were not left with anyone outside of the family.I think at times it is necessary for the parents to get a little rest and peace. I used to keep my nieces and nephews for like 3 or 4 hours at a time so that my sisters could have some time to do the things that they wanted to do or so they could spend time with their older children.

  12. It depends who, and for how long.  My best friend got married a couple days after my daughter was born.  Since the reception was close to my house, I left the baby home with my mom while my husband and I got out for a few hours.  We didn't last long, we were too eager to get home, plus I had to pump.  My daughter is now almost 1, and I still haven't left her with anyone other than my mom, or my mother in-law, and never for longer than 3-4 hours.  

    I guess it all just really depends on who is watching her, how responsible they are, and how long you plan on being gone.  You know your baby best, so you know what she is capable of handling.

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