
What age would you recommend s*x education starts in schools?

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Do you not think under 5 is a bit young??




  1. yes its too young  , it should only be taught at night school

  2. thts way young , i learnt in school when i was like 9 or 10, and then learnt more in secondary school when i was 13 .  :/

  3. Maybe, but I didn't have a s*x ed class until 5th grade and even then it was really prudish and the teachers were really uncomfortable with it.  

  4. not these days, and having come  across so many obviously  very young girls who ask, am i pregnant, on this site, its not before time.  

  5. Do you not think under 5 is a bit young??

    no.  it starts before 5 in holland and they have one of the lowest rates of teen pregnancy in europe

    UK has one of the highest

    go figure

  6. I´ve posted about this a few times.

    Where I live Spain "s*x education" startas at age 4.

    But it does not mean that children are told the mechanical details about s*x at that age.

    It includes teaching them body awareness, creating a climate where children can raise any topic related to the body without fear of embarrassment and learning about relationships.

    All information is age appropriate .

    Openness leads to a healthy attitude.

    Teen pregnancy is almost unheard of here in Spain. I think that proves the point.

    (My son has suffered no trauma at all.!)

  7. duhh yeah right

  8. 23

  9. As a parent I took it upon myself to educate my children from a very young age - I answered their every question as I felt they would understand it.  I was never embarrassed by s*x, nor were my children.  

    I don't' follow the argument however, that s*x education is a preventative for teenage pregnancy - we have far more teenage pregnancies now than in the days of the 50's - when "nice girls" didn't do "it".

    And for those who quote the Dutch statistics - they actually teach the children responsibility.  In the UK we give them the expectation that they will have s*x and expect them to take responsibility.  We forget that they are children, with childish emotions and feelings.  And children make mistakes - adults make mistakes, how can we expect children not to?

    I did spend some time looking into these forms of s*x education - it starts by teaching children the proper names of their genitals.  Isn't that biology?

    We need common sense - and to raise our expectations of our children's behaviour.  Also, our society is rotten to the core - if we want our children to do as we tell them, not as we ourselves do, we need to set a better example and not see s*x as a casual pastime.

  10. I am a supporter of s*x education being a part of the curriculum from reception class onwards.

    Before anyone starts foaming at the mouth let me explain that a good s*x education programme is not a s*x manual that only deals with the mechanics of copulation.

    It teaches children how their own bodies grow and develop,about personal boundaries and rights.  It teaches them how to make choices and that doing so has consequences and responsibilities. It teaches awareness of all the varying forms of human relationships and respect for themselves and others.

    Sexual intercourse comes at the end of the programme when children are of an appropriate age to understand and discuss the issues arising .

    In the UK we have the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Europe and an escalation of sexually transmitted diseases among the same age range.

    Information is power so let's empower the children!

  11. It really depends on what you mean by s*x education.  

    If it's about gender differences, respecting our bodies and learning about boundaries (ie 'you don't have to let anyone touch you - anywhere - if you don't like it and tell your parents/guardian/carer/teacher if they won't stop') - then 'yes go for it'.  

    If it's about the mechanics of s*x and contraception - then 'no fracking way'!!

  12. I think our Primary School taught us s*x education when we were 9 or 10. I can't remember exactly, it was definitely before High School.

    I don't think it would've been any help or hindrance to us if it was earlier. It wouldn't have made any difference.

  13. Knowledge is power, they should be taught from the start of school as in Holland which also has one of the lowest teen pregnancy rates in Europe.This is why peadophiles have the kids at their mercy,Ignorance doesn't protect anybody.

  14. i am against to the s*x education.  our fathers/mothers also studied in schools without s*x education.  my grandpa studied without s*x education.  s*x is a form of feeling which our children know well and how to behave etc.,  no s*x education is necessary in schools is my policy.

  15. I would say around the age of 11-13. Certain things a five year old might not be ready for or understand. Some things should be taught to a five year old like the parts of the anatomy like boys have a p***s and girls have a v****a. I know some 5 yr old are more curious then others and will ask the questions of where do baby's come from, how are they made, how did they get there. When they ask those questions the parents should be honest with them and tell them how. Along with making sure they understand.

  16. Never, leave it to parents.

  17. i would think so  

  18. I think around age 11 or primary seven is the perfect age.

    Around that age children are getting curious & will be prepared to listen & understand what id being taught to them.

  19. Children aged 5 should not be bothered with s*x education they should be out having fun and learning the basics reading, writing and arithmetic, I would say about 8-10 would be better and to take it slowly 12 years and above for more serious s*x education.  

  20. Yes, under 5 is far too young... for anything 'serious' at least! However it depends how far they are planning to take it. A basic understanding, of perhaps putting a bad word on anything of the topic may be beneficial in the long run. I don't agree that it should be explained in detail at all though, this would take away a child's innocence.

    I am 14 now and I had basic s*x ed when I was in year 6 (UK) age 12. And of course in secondary school we have have specific lessons for it including what we learn in science.

    It is not as if children are unaware of how things are, infact the very opposite. I think children know too much too young already... but there should be a more professional approach as apposed to the humerous information you get to know when you are young. By passing the dangers and just thinking it's 'grown up' to know about s*x.

  21. Would say about 11-12 and yes 5 is ridiculous!! whatever next!!

    Don't know who taught Mrs Doyle but she needs another lesson


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