
What age you get pregnant??

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what age did you loose your virginity?? Coz my cousin gotten pregnant at age 13 year n lost virgin at 11 year old. She now want to abortion her baby coz she afraid her parents know it. What should i do need to tell her??




  1. tell her mum you alone cant help her she needs her mum i was 14 when i lost mine 16 when i was pregnant just turned 17 when i had my son im now 35

  2. 62 and never been pregnant!!!  No age limit, but the earlier you start the more difficult it is. Had a friend, and it happened to all three her girls, at roughly 15 yrs.  Abortion for one, adoption for the second and #3 kept the baby.  All three thought they had made the wrong decision.

    And the whole family broke up. Pa divorced, Ma stole from her boss, got arrested, sat in jail and commited suicide, Grandparents left town - too much shame.  What happened to the girls I don't know, the last I heard, they were all three washouts.


  3. tell her mum. even if she says not to trust its the best thing you can do. she could be getting rid of something her parents will help her with. her parents need to be involved in this she cant do it alone. her parents know what its like to be pregnant. please for her sake tell the parents.

  4. Um...who was she having s*x with at 11? Most likely someone who was breaking the law and should be arrested. That would be the first thing I'd do.

    At 13 she needs to talk to her parents. They may be upset with her, but they need to know. It is their grandchild. They also need to know their young daughter is having s*x and shouldn't be. She's too young to be in a sexual relationship with anyone...even her own age.

    But she shouldn't seek an abortion. It is not the babies fault that it's mother is young. She should have the baby and give it up for adoption. Killing the baby may seem like a quick and easy solution, but it isn't. Plus it will keep her parents in the dark about her sexual activity and she may end up in a worse situation down the road.

  5. shes needs a slap dirty little girl shes too young to be havin s*x and getting pregnant and then kill the poor baby before its even lived she sould keep her legs closed and get a dog makes me sick all the woman who cant have babys and silly lil girl killin then god whats wroung with the world 2day

    35weeks with my lil girl  

  6. I lost mine at 19. Tell her mom and dad

  7. i would advise her to tell her parents, i fell pegnant at 14 and had an abortion, and then i am 16 now and 13 weeks pregnant.


  8. You need to tell her to take responsibility for her actions. If she thinks she is old enough to be having s*x, then she is old enough to have a child. And she should be old enough to tell her parents that she is not only sexually active, but pregnant as well.

    She should carry and deliver the baby, and give it up for adoption. Why destroy a life just because of her irresponsibility. Then some of her friends might also learn a valuable lesson in life choices and choose to wait before having s*x.

  9. depending on where you all live, shes probably gonna need her mom, even for an abortion. she shouldn't try to hide it its her responsibility now and she had her fun, no? im not all "its bad" on it i lost mine at 13 but well she did it, she needs to live up to the responsibilities that come with that in this country whether it be abortion or not. thats what you need to tell her

  10. tell her mum - and you take this as a lesson for yourself. 11 and having s*x is way too early! you see what the consequences are?

  11. You should tell her parents, for sure. I was 15 when I lost mine and 16 when I got pregnant, I'm 17 now.

  12. I lost mine at the age of 19. Then I got pregnant first time two months after turning 20. No matter want she would need to tell her parents because she won't be able to get abortion she would need her parents consent for abortion.

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