
What age you think guys come out???

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what age do you think guys come out of the closet when they have two kids and a girlfriend??




  1. umm i think it would be aliitle to late for a guy to come out the closet if they  have 2 kids and a girlfriend... most likely the guy will leave a second life.. i dont really know the answer to your question.. need more info on it like the age of the guy and stuff like that

  2. 25 years old is good to come out

    but kinda old...

  3. You need to come out NOW. Don't wait until your kids get older to come out. I've know of guys who have came out in their 40's and 60's. You need come out as soon as possible if you are g*y. I have learned that you can't live for nobody else but you. You will end up miserable trying to be something you aren't.  

  4. wouldn't you realise you're g*y before you make two children? otherwise you are pretty stupid.

    but, if you are talking about when does an average guy admit he's g*y, i would say 15/16, cause that's when they are almost sure and can't be told that they are too young to know it  

  5. when they feel protected and ready...the age does not necseerily matter

    some 7 some 10 some 16 some 40

    its just when they are ready:)

  6. Whenever they feel ready

    My teacher had a wife and 3 kids and he came out in his thirties

    Many men come out in their 40s and some even older

    If this guy came out now, he could get away from this anti g*y family and neighbourhood and probably be happy

  7. most come out their first semester in college

    but plenty married men do later in life

    don't listen to the bible pushers telling you what god wants

    be happy

  8. it could start at at least 10. to pretty much when ever.

  9. that must be extremely hard, unfourtunately although it will be hard to come out, he should do it, many people have came out after having children and generally they do accept their father, and plus it would be unwise to live ur life not being yourself, personally however i would try to teach the children to accept g**s and not be homophobic  

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