
What ailment is meat afflicted with for it to need curing before consumption?

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What ailment is meat afflicted with for it to need curing before consumption?




  1. HAHA very funny...

    Seriously though, if humans were meant to eat meat, we would be able to eat it raw.

    EDIT:  You can't eat meat raw as a general rule and you know it.  You can eat nuts and many fruits and veggies raw and unprocessed.  And hands aren't a good foraging tool?

  2. When an animal dies rigamortis sets in do to chemical change in the muscles after death. It is not an ailment but a stage of death. Humans are not true carnivores, our digestive systems can't handle the flesh of most freshly killed animals.

  3. Curing meat is just a way of preparing it, lol.

  4. life

  5. All kinds of bacteria are present in rotting flesh

  6. kim you mention how we cant handle most fleshes...may i suggest you look at plants...whe can eat herbavores...we cant break down cellulose....and fiber is plant material that doesnt get actually there are far more plant based things we eat that we cant digest

    and cured states to the way it was prepared not that it had a disease

    manda..ever had sushi or blue steak is basically raw and its safe to there goes your statement

    i mean i could say if we truly were meant o just be veggies we would have body parts to help us forage...i.e sharp claws for digging earth or somthing to that effect...but im not that dense

  7. Do you mean aged or cured?   When I think of cured, I think of pork products.  Pork is full of pathogens we can get sick with, so extra care must be taken that we do not eat it raw.   It can be salt-cured, sugar-cured, and/or smoked.

    To the person who said people are not built to be herbivores:  that's funny.  We have the teeth of herbivores (and no sharp canine teeth or claws).    Our digestive tract is long so we can digest plant proteins.   When we eat too much meat products, we get very sick with heart disease and related problems.      Herbivores do not need claws, since fruit and plant products grow above the dirt surface.    The only "carnivore" like feature we might have is forward-facing eyes, but there are herbivore/omnivore primates with forward facing eyes because it was needed for depth perception not hunting (to climb trees, swing, jump, etc).

  8. Most meat that is cured is pig flesh.  Pigs are usually afflicted with trichinosis, e. coli, salmonella, and campylobacter.

  9. Nothing. It's more for taste as aged meat becomes more tender and flavorful. It as also used to ease storage (before refrigeration) as cured meat loses a lot of moisture where bacteria can breed.

    fruits and other vegetable with moisture have the same "ailment"

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