
What airline would be the best?

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I want to be a pilot when i am older but I need to know what airline company. What do u suggest?




  1. i suggest a european airline like british airways or singapore's singapore airlines,the world's best airline

  2. You apply to every airline you can think of and hope you get a job offer.  In 2-3 years who knows what airline will be in good shape or what kind of aircraft they will be flying.

    Zach is in for a very rude awakening by narrowing his choice to SWA and 737's.

    Ask anyone who works for a major airline and they will tell you that the day they retire is the day they know if they made the right decision on what airline to fly for.

    Get the ratings and education first and then see which airline is the best at that time.

    Airlines hire 1 out of 100 applicants, and thats in the good times.

  3. I would suggest Southwest airlines. They are probably one of the most stable airlines, and Southwest pilots get very good salaries. Personally, I don't like the idea of flying large planes like the 747 or 777 because that means long-haul flights which can result in spending more time away from home. Southwest is all 737's so the routes are shorter, and you aren't away from home as long. But sometimes you don't really have a choice, and have to go with whoever is hiring. Now if you're paranoid about flying a certain aircraft (like I am) I recommend flying for an airline that has many of that aircraft. For example, I want to fly the 737. Southwest is all 737 so I get my way. If I fly for American, I might be placed in the seat of a 737 or a 777 etc etc.

    I'm not narrowing my choice to only SWA, how dumb are you people? I'm simply saying that's my first choice. And I guess I have no right to state my opinion because I'm only 14, and 14 year-olds don't have opinions i guess.

    Hey Alan, next time you want to call someone dumb, you might want to spell it right, because it makes you look like a dumb-*** if you don't.

    Hello how ignorant are you? If you fly for Southwest you don't have to ask the cheif dude to fly the 737 HELLO.

  4. The real question is: "What will be the better airlines when you are ready to be hired?" Thirty years ago, Delta was the Tiffany of the industry. Now look at 'em. Pan Am was a good one while it lasted.

    By the time that you're worth interviewing, the whole picture might have changed tremendously. Send out all of the resumes that you can to everybody. Keep updating them. It's really kinda like Forrest Gump's box o'chocolates. Ya never know what you're gonna get.

  5. I would suggest a STABLE airline which of now is southwest....As for what people say DO NOT fly the prettier plane jeez the chief pilot doesn't want to hear what plane you wanna fly!!!!!!!!!!

  6. hey Zach,are you dum ? Your freaking 14 ,stop acting like your 30.

  7. Airlines that pay well and fly new planes....

    Singapore Airlines

    Cathay Pacific


  8. I recommend Singapore Airlines or All Nippon Airways. Great airlines. These two airline companies also have lots of brand new aircrafts that you'll be able to fly with.

  9. it depends?

  10. I really would suggest Singapore Airlines.

    1) You will be able to pilot your plane in style and comfort

    2) There is a lot of help given to pilots

    3) The pay you earn will be quite high compared to other airlines

    I hope this will help! Cheers to your future and Thank You!

  11. Emirates!

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