
What airlines do you think should be brought back?

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any other airlines that i cant think of at the moment.




  1. Braniff Airlines

    Uh oh, John B is getting serious, and Leon's getting laaarger!

  2. Lawson

  3. HAH !  Pilsman... you cracked me up... I can guarantee you.. without a doubt.. somewhere... out there.. right now... some crewmember just said... "did you get the clearance clarence?'  I hurt myself laughing so hard when Robert Stack uttered the immortal line... "the FAA, the airlines.. they're all cheats and liars!"

    Braniff...  and flight attendants with the space bubble head thing...    nah...  really if you want to make money in an airline... do what Southwest did... low fares and 20 year old babes in hot pants and boots...  I can honestly remember walking through the terminal back in the 70's and hearing a guy say... " I don't care when we go, but I want to ride on the plane with those girls in the boots"  PSA did it too...  I am telling you...  if HOOTERS started an airline, it would make money.

  4. TWA was my first airline flight too. I was sorry to see Eastern disappear as well as Braniff. I liked the different colored airplanes at Braniff and I thought the Eastern 727 Whisper jet sounded cool. Don't forget Laker Airways, the orginal low fare no frills airline.

    John, chill buddy.

  5. Would be great to see Pan Am as the force in aviation that it once was, but sadly we have to put up with small, short lived companies using the name.

  6. brought back? no airline that failed financially should be brought back.  a better question is which airlines should hurry up and fail so the industry can finally become solvent. we'll have a partial answer by the end of the year.

  7. PanAm!  Bring back the PanAm Clipper!!!

    My first international flight was on PanAm... A 747 Jumbo Jet.

  8. TWA had a great history, once being owned by Howard Hughes.

    Pan Am had the classy Clippers in the 30s, and in the 60s sold tickets to the moon!

    Eastern was a classy airline. When I worked at a local airport the Eastern flight attendants were always the friendliest. At one point it belonged to WWI ace Eddie Rickenbacker.

  9. Pan-Am is my choice.  It was such a great airline.

    BOAC would be nice to have back as well.

    Aloha Air.  I already miss them.

  10. I'll be the odd man out in the answers and suggest a version of DELAG (Deutsche Luftschiffahrts-Aktiengesellschaft) be resurrected.

    Cheaper on fuel, complete with piano, bars, state rooms, and everything necessary for a luxurious flight. Helium preferred.

    It was the FIRST commercial airline and had a flawless record from its founding in 1909 until the Hindenburg incident.

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