
What alcohol gets your drunk the most or quicker ?

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  1. Bacardi 151 - it is 75%....**** ***** you up

    Redbull and Vodka is also good - a differnt kinda drunK! :)

  2. Gin

  3. First, most alcoholic beverages are only a % alcohol.  Proof is just a doubling of the % alcohol in whiskey, etc.  Most beer is about 3-5% alcohol, most wine about 10-15%,  distilled liquor is about 80-100 proof (40-50%).  Everclear is about 98% alcohol or 196 proof.

    The higher the % alcohol and volume consumed, the fast the body reacts.

    Some of the higher alcohol percentages are rum, better known as 151 (75.5% alcohol).

    Beware,  excess consumption can cause blackouts and even death.

  4. Everybody is different. Becareful!!!!

  5. pure grain alcohol

  6. "strip and go naked!"

    Vodka, beer, lemonade!

    ICE beer has more alcohol than regular beer

  7. Me its Grey Goose in with a juice or sprite and Rumplemitnz...... take 2 shots of that and im def feeling it... but becareful... always listen to your gut feeling when you drink

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