
What all can a bearded dragon eat?

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What all can a bearded dragon eat?




  1. bearded dragons can eat insects like roaches, crickets, wax/super/silk worms, even pinkie mice. For veggies you can give them collard, dandelions, mustard greens, green beans, corn, peas, carrots, yellow/green zuchinni and fruits like strawberries, grapes, apricot, kiwi, etc. just check online, they have comprehensive lists of acceptable food for a dragon but that is a general list. In reality, they can eat almost anything. There are a few things I probably wouldn't not feed a bearded dragon like brocolli which can bind w/ calcium.

  2. Mine that's a juvenile, is crazy for crickets, and grass hoppers.



    Is your best bet towards planning a healthy diet.  As babies they eat far more crickets than veggies, and as adults its the exact opposite.  That website should help you find plenty of good food items to add to the menu tho.

  4. hey maybe not the best but my dad feeds him theese

    crickets ...

    locusts ....

    meal worm's ...

    pinkies ...

    pertunia ... they love it and go mad when i give it to them with in seconds its gone

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