
What all can you do on world of warcraft?

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world of warcraft is a really popular game and it's exspensive to so i wanna know what all can you do on the game?

can you have or buy a house and you have a husband and children

can you have s*x, go to bars and drink ???

i wanna know every thing you can do




  1. Basically you quest to gain lvl's , earn money and get gear. You have the option of getting 2 professions like herbalism / alchemy...You start at lvl 1 and work your way to lvl 70.  You can drink...and on some servers you can have a husband ;)  The game isn't like sims where u can build your home or have children.  Its more battling and questing.  The game is very involved and addicting.  Play at your own caution lol.

  2. Careful when you play this game cause it litterely makes the rest of the world les importent for a lot of people.

    I often go get some more games for the X-box 360 f.ex. but I never played them, WoW is with a HUGE margin the best game out there. theres 0 competition on that.

    You start at level 1, gain levels, spend talentpoints, level your professions and get to 70, once their you can in theory do everything you want, nothing is a MUST in this game, every error can be corrected. Its an addictive game, most people are addicted to it within the first weak, just warning you, and yes I can safely say im pretty d**n addicted ^^.

  3. World of Warcraft isnt about raising a family. Not even close.

    World of Warcraft is essentially about:

    PvE (Players vs. Everything)

    This includes levelling (Current Level Cap is 70).

    This also includes going to Dungeons and Instances in teams.

    Raids are also included, ranging from 10 - 40 mans.

    PvP (Player vs. Player)

    Battle Grounds- Fighting in teams against the other faction.

    Raids- Killing the other faction and their NPC's (non playable character)

    Arena- Teams come in 2,3,5 people

    The game is about questing and fighting for your faction.

    You can also learn professions, and make money.

    No. You cannot have or buy a house.

    No. You cannot have a family or children.

    No. You cannot have s*x.

    Yes. You can drink alcohol. It will blurr your screen when you get drunk.

    This game is about levelling, advancing, and making the best character possible, while on your own and in teams. Levelling professions, and Fighting with your Faction.

    This is nothing like the Sims, like what you have described in :

    "can you have or buy a house and you have a husband and children

    can you have s*x, go to bars and drink ???"

    Please feel free to email me if you have any further questions, which you can access via my Yahoo Answers page.

  4. They are ignoring you because of the game? Don't feel bad, that usually happens.

  5. Basically World of Warcraft or (WoW) is an online multi-player role playing game.

    You get to begin the game by choosing what kind of server you want to play on. There are several different kinds:

    *PvP - Player versus Player: on this server players from the opposing faction can kill you in contested areas...for example an Alliance could kill a Horde

    *PvE - Player versus Environment: on this server players cannot be killed by a member of the opposing faction unless you turn your PvP flag on, hit someone with their PvP flag on (if their name is red to you), or by going into a battleground.

    *RP - Roleplaying: This server is basically the same as a PvE server. You will just find more people that are actually role playing (pretending to be a different character)

    *RPPvP - Role Playing Player versus Player: This server is just a PvP server where more people role play

    After you pick the server type you need to decide if you want to be Alliance (Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Dranei, or Gnome) or Horde (Blood Elf, Tauren, Undead, Orc, or Troll). Each race (as defined above) has different special abilities and classes (Druid, Priest, Warrior, Mage, Shaman, Rogue, Hunter, Warlock, etc.) that they can be.

    Once you make your character you begin in the starting area for your race. There you will get quests that you have to complete and basically learn the basics of the game.

    Once you know your way around there are many things to do.

    You can sell items on the Auction House to make money.

    You can take up professions like Leatherworking, Alchemy, and Herbalism, etc.

    You can buy beer and wine and what not and drink it (it makes your screen fuzzy the more you drink)

    You can do battlegrounds (fight against people from the opposing factions in special areas)

    You can make new friends...there are soooo many people that play.

    You go on raids which can take hours to complete, but you get good items.

    There are just too many things to do to list.

    If you just want to see what it is all about have one of your friends send you a trial and you can play it for free for 10 days and you just download the game right from the website once you get the trial.

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