
What all did you feed your 5/6 month old......?

by  |  earlier

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inlcude in order what all you feed in one day ?





  1. He eats a morning bottle -6oz

    3 hrs later bottle -6oz and stage 1 container of fruit

    4hrs later bottle-6oz

    3hrs later-bottle 6oz and veggie

    3-4 hours later 6oz

    He is 5 months

  2. 8:30am-oatmeal 1 1/2tbls a couple scoops of fruit and 3oz formula


    12:30- some veggies


    5:30- 1 1/2rice cereal and some veggies 4 oz formula

    8:00- 6oz



    hes six month this week  

  3. Are you a new parent? In any case don't stress too much, most babies especially at this age tell you when they are hungry or when they are done eating. They usually either cry when they are hungry or when they get full they spit their food out or don't even open their mouths. They are very smart. However here is what I feed my 5/6 month. Remember always consider that babies are different.

    I feed my baby as soon as she wakes up in the morning (Formula) 6 - 7 ounces. Usually she has slept most of the night so babies wake up because they are hungry.

    I then feed (formula) every 3-4 hours after that. Doctors usually recommend every 4-5 hours but my baby usually cant wait that long. So never starve your child. It is always better that they are full and healthy, then underfeed, and malnourished.

    Right now I'm still gauging solid foods but I usually incorporate Rice Cereal 1 time a day right before her second formula feeding.

    Then I give Gerber Vegetables twice a day. You can decide what time its best for your schedule. I usually do 1 feeding at around 3pm then at around the second at around 7pm. Never substitute solids for milk. You want to always continue giving your baby formula.

    The amount of cereal or veggies should be at least 8 - 10 baby spoons, or until they lose interest. That usually means they don’t want anymore, and then feed them their formula. Start with vegetables first and then introduce fruits. They tend to dislike the green veggies, like green beans and peas. But try to give them a good balance of all veggies. Good luck, and have fun. Use a bib, because it starts getting messy.

  4. 8.30am 7oz formula

    12   6oz formula and tub of fruitapura

    4pm 7oz formula

    5.30pm half a dinner jar and half a desert.

    8pm 7oz cow and gate bedtime milk

    My baby is 6 months old and is on cow and gate hungry baby milk.I started weaning at 15 weeks with baby rice.

    He sleeps from eight  till eight.

  5. start off just doing rice cereal or veggies a few spoons once a day and only 1 type per week so you make sure he does not have an allergy. then give him the same amount of formula/breastmilk you have been.

  6. -he wakes up and gets a 9oz bottle(Or breast) and then rice cereal for breakfast.

    -snack is a 3oz

    l-unch is a veggie (whole jar) and a 3oz


    -3oz again

    -dinner is a jar of baby food, and a 9oz bottle

    -bed time is another 9oz. or (breast)

    sometimes he will get more, if he is having a bad day.

    he was started on his rice cereal at 3 months, and at 4 1/2 he was on baby food as well. I did a new veggie a week, he got one jar a day for a week until I knew he was okay with it. he has not had any problems with them at all. I cant wait for him to be a little older for new and more exciting foods..

  7. 100% breast milk :)

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