
What all do u have to do to become a foster parent?

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I wnat to help child with no place to go. WHat do u have to have or what do u need to become one??




  1. You should contact your county social services department. In general you have to have an approved home inspection that says your home is safe for a child, and that the child will have adequate space (usually their own room, or room with another foster kid). You have to go through a background check, and give character references. Also you have to attend classes about foster care, that cover things like what children may have been exposed to (abuse and neglect) and the kids of problems that result. You really need to know what you are getting into so you can provide the best environment for a child.

  2. Well - it varies from state to state.  But here is the gyst.  First you need to contact the state and they will refer you to an agency (in my state this has been privatized - so you get referred to one of the many nonprofit private agencies) to get you started.  First you go to MAP classes - which is a parenting class.  You also need to have a home study done and your house needs to be approved.  Then you have to really trust that your social worker will place children in your care that you are prepared to handle.  Really be specific about what you can and cannot handle.  It is an amazing thing to want to take care of children, but make sure you do it in a way that doesn't overwhelm you.  

    God bless you!

  3. It varies from state to state, but I can tell you how it is in Arizona.  Here are the main absolute requirements:

    1) You must be 21 or over

    2) You must have enough space in your house for each foster child

    3) You must have sufficient income to support yourself

    4) You must be able to pass a fingerprint check

    5) You must be able to pass a home inspection

    You can:

    Be single or married

    Own your home or rent

    Work full time, part time, or not at all, as long as you have sufficient income

    The process itself is extremely invasive and intensive, requiring you to basically tell you more about yourself than you probably know right now.  There is also a LOT of paperwork, and you will need to give character references.  In Arizona, you have to go through a 30 hour course called PS MAPPs.

    It's a very challenging job, but the rewards are great!

  4. you should have a good backround

  5. Contact your local agency, usually CPS will have the number to call so you can start your classes and paperwork then you go through home visits, physical, fingerprinting,criminal background check and all that just like if you were going to be adopting.  Once they approve you and tell you how many you can foster at one time you are put on the list.  Usually it doesn't take long to get a foster child in your home depending on if you want under a certain age, if you are willing to take in sibling groups and stuff like that.

  6. your 23? wow. Thats awesome. Their really arent alot of younger people who wish to help chlidren in need. The requirements vary from state to state. The standards are being at least 21 which you are :) haveing a stable enviroment which will be proven when you have home study done. are you single? it doenst matter if you are single or married but if you are married you have to have been married for 3 years i think. you have to have your own place, rented or owened doesnt matter just not liveing with your parents. theres a few others you can look it up on the phonebook and get a number and call and they will send you a packet or if your state has it available online you can submit your address and they will mail you an information packet. best of luck

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