
What all do you have to do to get a drivers licens...? and how old do you have to be..? please give me(cont.)?

by  |  earlier

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please give me good details... or a link to follow... thank you alll so so so much..! =]





  1. It's a very big world, and each and every place on it has their own rules about age and requirements to get a license.  Are we suppose to assume you are in California, and give you those rules?  

    Here's California.  You start at 15 and a half.

    If that isn't helpful, you might want to mention where you are.

  2. Depends on the state you live in. In Indiana, you can get a permit by 16, and at 16 1/2 you can get a drivers license (but for the next 6 months you will have to drive with a family member of 21 years or older). Then, once you reach 17 you can legally drive all alone (if you do it like that). I got my permit when I was 17 and didn't get my drivers license until a month before my birthday, once my birthday came I could drive alone (the 6 months thing doesn't fall into place once you are 18).

    An example of the laws are different is this, I have a brother who grew up in Nebraska instead of Indiana. When he was in HS he was legally able to drive to and from school and school activities without a full blown drivers license as long as the vehicle covered him for insurance (maybe a small permit of some sort I cannot remember for sure) either way he didn't need a full license.

    Might be a good idea to say your age and state to give us an idea of how to reply.

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