
What all informations can be decoded from PNR number printed on indian railway ticket and how ?

by Guest62459  |  earlier

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What all informations can be decoded from PNR number printed on indian railway ticket and how ?




  1. By PNR you can find booking status and current status of reservation, distance of two station, train No...... etc you can find.

  2. Passenger Name Record (PNR) is a record in the database of a Computer Reservation System (CRS) that contains the travel record for a passenger, or a group of passengers traveling together.This PNR is called the Master PNR for the passenger and the associated itinerary. The PNR is identified in the particular database by a Record locator.

    From a technical point, there are ten parts of a PNR required before the booking can be completed. They are:

    (1) The name of the passenger(s).

    (2) Contact details for the travel agent or airline office.

    (3) Ticketing details, either a ticket number or a ticketing time limit.

    (4) Itinerary of at least one sector, which must be the same for all passengers listed.

    (5) Name of the person making the booking.

    (6) Fare details, and any restrictions that may apply to the ticket.

    (7) The form of payment used, as this will usually restrict any refund if the ticket is not used.

    (8) Further contact details, such as phone contact numbers at their home address and intended destination.

    (9) Age details if it is relevant to the travel, eg, unaccompanied children or elderly passengers requiring assistance.

    (10) Details of special meal requirements, seating preferences, and other similar requests.

    PNR databases are stored with a Computerized Reservation System (CRS) or Global Distribution System (GDS).

    Once the booking has been completed to this level, the CRS system will issue a unique alpha-numeric record locator, which will remain the same regardless of any further changes made (except if a multi-person PNR is split).

    PNR will typically contain much more information of a sensitive nature. This will include the passenger’s full name, date of birth, home and work address, telephone number, e-mail address, credit card details, as well as the names and personal information of emergency contacts.

    A cancelled or completed trip does not erase the record since “copies of the PNRs are ‘purged’ from live to archival storage systems.Thus, PNRs can reveal where you’re from, where you went with whom, for how long, and at whose expense.Despite the sensitive character of the information they contain, PNRs are generally not recognized as deserving the same privacy protection afforded to medical and financial records. Instead, they are treated as a form of commercial transaction data.

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