
What all jobs can I get with a Business Administration Degree?

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What all jobs can I get with a Business Administration Degree?




  1. A BBA gives you the broad depth that you need to manage a business, but you also need to have presentation skills, and show a future employer that you have done internships or shown leadership in voluntary "club" positions or in sports.

    After your sophomore year, look into internships at companies who visit your campus as you earn good money and experience on your resume.

    People with BBA's typically have entry level positions in purchasing, sales, accounting/finance or any corporate support departments in any business as you should have a foundation in economics, marketing, labor relations, finance, accounting, and business law.

  2. you can get a lot of top jobs provided you are smart too and you know how to carry and present yourself..............goodluck

  3. Not a lot from what I have heard. I work with a girl that has a 4 year Business Administration Degree. I work in Day care.. and she's only a teacher too.

    She said it was really tough to get a job without already having experience. Everyone wants you to have that. So unless you are already working somewhere where you can move up with the degree it might be hard to find something.

    You might want to call around to some potential job places first and see if the hirer new graduates with out experience before you waste you time and money.

  4. you'll be getting into managerial positions.

    like  manager,MD,CEO,CFO,etc...

    it helps as it gives you an edge over normal degrees with high salaries and higher positions

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