
What all ur doing to fight GLOBAL WARMING?

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What all ur doing to fight GLOBAL WARMING?





    for 35 years tried to do a little ,

    in Africa

    gardens ,ecotourist places ,and food production for Africans

    Mexico Oaxaca lived with the Mazateca Indians made some gardens ,including one in a school.and lectured on preserving their trees

    5 years ago started a Park with the help of about 2000 school kids and parents,in the Sierra above Acapulco

    some weeks ago,i was at the river with a bunch of citizans putting up boards to forbid dumping rubbish and cleaning up a part of the river side.

    sometimes I talk to schools about ecological awareness , have so far had more than 3000 visitars of school kids alone in my garden,not counting adults

    talk about bio diversity

    to farmers i talk about ,harmfull farming practises,give alternatives that are more economic sustainable and auto suficient,and lecture on the importance of trees and soil management ,erosian,Aquaculture ,niches ,companion planting,waterharvesting

    last year we motivated all the schools to clean up the Town,and even the army lend a hand and we are about to do this again in a couple of weeks

    last year with all the fisher men and owners and families of the beach restaurants we cleaned up the Lagoon

    a permaculture Environmental Designer, untill recently a consultant for the department of ecology to the regional government of Guerrero Mexico.

  2. sit ups, going to the gym and boxing training. Im gunna kick its ***!!!

  3. Im educating people into changing their mind set about global warming as its a media farce. The evidence is twisted and contorted so that those that the masses leap on to the global warming bandwagon without actually taking the time and effort to learn about what is being said and how it really is influencing the planet.

    To put it bluntly, the evidence doesn't take several things into account,

    1) only 0.014% of the atmosphere is CO2, but the biggest greenhouse gas is water vapor

    2) CO2 has never in the past and never will in the future control climate

    3) The sun is the biggest influence on the climate of the earth coupled with various other rotation related things.

    4) Scientific reports, usually the ones accepted by the scientific community, are found in various SCIENTIFIC journals, not those written by economists, failed presidents, celebrities, newspapers etc.

    5) Natural release of CO2 from the oceans, the warmer the oceans get he more CO2 is NATURALLY released into the atmosphere.

    7) Global warming is natural, the earth warms, it cools its all a natural cycle.

    6) Not one bit of evidence is yet a fact, it is still theory!

    These are just a few simple reasons why we should be fighting the global warming farce that is sweeping the world. Until such times that we can say with complete and utter certainty, with no possible reason for doubt; then its only a theory. Theory's are constantly proved and disproved, its the natural cycle of science.

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